Wednesday 28 December 2016

The 2016 Poem

We made it guys, another year at an end,
full of happiness is not what the Devil did send.
A year of joy, we shall not pretend,
but find love in the people that you befriend.

The world watched on with queer intrigue
as Leicester City won the Premier League.
Team GB won medals indeed
and spread happiness and smiles to all in need.

Cameron quit as Brexit won true;
the Americans wept as Trump won too.
But those who love will fight on through,
because hate can never be left to brew.

On a personal note, most has been sound.
Backstage at Eurovision, a magic room was found.
Trips to Lords, Wembley and Murray Mound
made better memories; the sadness drowned.

And who can forget those we have lost.
Bowie, Wogan, Rickman and all at a cost.
Michael and Prince, who’s stages they bossed.
The year from Hell will soon be quashed.

So while we lament the year gone by,
disseminating hate with a sole British sigh.
Just remember to love and aim really high,
because those limits of yours; they stop at the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered your blog and I really like it!
