Monday, 18 January 2010

Success? Me?

Well... I wouldn't call it a full success but work is work in this day and age! Its only a temporary job in a call centre but it gives me something to fill the hours of nothingness and Football Manager at least! And it gets me much needed monies.. The only down side of this being I have to be there at 8am! I'm not used to ridiculously early starts even back in the school days! Oh well... Who am I to complain..?

My laptop has seemingly fixed itself so the charger is fine if I leave it in forever.. The trip to Huntingdon today was fairly pointless as it turned out I only signed up to yet another agency but it gave me an opportunity to get out the house and do something productive, and also buy 3 caramel eggs for 75p! Bargain! Talking of money, it turns out I may be getting a fair bit soon! I'll keep you updated on that one!

A few days back, when I didn't have a blog to let loose my frustrations, I texted a few people to have a chat. For once, it didn't help that much. I didn't feel liberated as I do usually when I have chats with this people and it concerned me. Had I run out of people to talk to? Was I going to feel like this for ages? Not so... was just a blip in life's tapestry, (as Del Boy used to say).

So, what does tomorrow bring? Work for possibly the whole day or possibly a couple of hours but like I've probably said a lot of times, work is work. Other than that, I haven't a clue. Football in the evening. Yay!

I'll leave you now. I'm blabbering even worse than I usually do and thats saying something! Feel free to ask questions.

Much Love x


Stick said...

Glad you got a job dude [: what is this call centre like?

Mitten said...

Terrible :P oh well!