Saturday, 10 March 2018

Over and Out

The 15th November 2017 was the last time I wrote a blog post. That's almost four months ago, and if you've been following this blog since the get go, you'll realise that's by far the longest gap in between blogs there has ever been in 8 years worth of posts.

This blog was always meant to be a soundboard. A place to reveal my inner most demons in a creative way. It developed into a plethora of the good, the bad and the ugly, but ultimately these pages are full of memories. A few good times yes, but mostly a lot of bad. Also, a few times, I have written posts that claim I'm happy. Yet I kept on coming back to use the soundboard.

These past four months have been different. Truly different. I have a new job that I love and have already been given a promotion in; the relationship with my family is as good as it ever has been. I have a regular newspaper column to keep my writing ambitions simmering in the background and most importantly of all? I've stopped drinking.

Those Friday night alcohol binges have been replaced by Netflix binges and I see tangible results. More money. Less weight. No hangovers. In short, my mind is finally clear. After a decade of troubles, I am free, and although it will take conscious effort to keep it that way, I genuinely believe I have finally grown up.

And with that, comes the end of this blog. I don't want to feel compelled to keep this blog alive, but also, I don't want to leave the final post as being about an Ashes series that ended up being a catastrophe. I wanted to give it a final goodbye. At Christmas, I received a plaque from my family that said this:

"Take pride in how far you have come. And have faith in how far you can go."

Over and out.

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