Friday, 26 March 2010

The Friday Feeling

Today is Friday, (despite the blog date saying it's Thursday, but I know better!) Usually the day of the week most looked forward to by employed persons as the "start of the weekend". I have of course recently gained employment, however, for the last 3 months, Fridays have been the same as any other day and I've frequently asked myself what day it is, simply because I've lost track. My body clock is all over the shop, (current time - 02:18), and isn't likely to get any better with the introduction of a night shift job and the upcoming cricket season!

I am sitting here, as tired as I was at 5:30pm, basically not at all and wondering to myself if I've become a person of the night. The parents recently bought me a set of blackout curtains, as if it was 1942 again, as they explained that I sleep during the day so much that these new curtains will keep out the sunlight. That's if we had any, as today has been your classic grey and gloomy British day. Rain rain rain.

However, for the first time in a long time I have a relatively busy weekend coming up. Tomorrow I may pop down to the cricket club to help out with the annual 'Ground Force Day' as there is generally a lot of work to be done down there. However, my intuition tells me that I will be too lazy to do this and will instead meet Kets in town for a walk and a garlic pizza bread from Dominos. Friday evening is always football training and then I may follow that up with a few drinks in town if I can wangle some money off the rents. I have borrowed a bit this week so I feel a little guilty asking for more.. So that will probably not materialise..

Saturday, it will still be the old Ground Force weekend so I may pop down there again and have a cheeky net outdoors and maybe do some work... Maybe... Then Saturday night is that time of the month where a friend's 18th comes round. I am bearing in mind that the last 2 18th birthday parties I have been to, I have acted the saviour of the drunk person on their big day so I am hoping a lot that I am not called into action again. House party aswell which, if my past experiences have taught me, will always have the potential to cause a few problems.. However, I hope things will be alright. She's a sensible person so I don't think she will go OTT.

Sunday is of course, Football Sunday. Big Big Big league game in the morning, against the top of the league, Harpur Sunday. Guaranteed to be a rough encounter as Harpur are more rhinos than humans, but hopefully we keep our head and play good football and bring away the win. Refereeing in the afternoon, simple Under-14 match, shouldn't be a problem, (watch out for Sunday's blog as I explain my 4 red cards I bet!) I also think we have a curry organised for the evening also with the kids who are back from university. So busy busy busy!

Then it's 'put your head down' time as I start my training for work. I've forgotten that feeling! Hopefully that will go OK and I can get into some routine, (oh god..), and I can get going on this job. It's been a whole week since I found out now and nothing has happened with the training or starting work.. It better be soon.

That's it. I'm done. I'm going to sleep. Ha! As if...

P.S. After reading some of my old posts, I noticed a line that could be easily misunderstood. It's in the 'A Bit About Me' post back at the beginning of February.

"I've had girlfriends in the past, but I've never really felt all that comfortable in them."

That's a fail if ever I saw one..

Laters x

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