Saturday, 6 March 2010

Life Isn't Like a Box of Chocolates..

Life is anything but. Life is like a game of poker. If you don't put anything in the pot then you can't get anything out of it. Unless someone else puts something there and in life, no one gives you the opportunity on a silver platter. if that happened, I wouldn't be spending time at the moment doing literally nothing. Sitting here doing nothing.

It's all very well me sitting here typing away complaining about what shit life has to throw at me, and it's thrown a fair bit in my direction recently, but what am I going to do about it? I need to go out and investigate like Inspector Morse or go out and fight the problem head on like .. Doctor Who? Besides, the real reason I'm sat here, still in the same situation as I was 3 months ago is because I clearly haven't done enough to combat the problems I face today. To be fair, I've done all I can think of. I look on the internet, newspapers, go to Hell, (a.k.a the Recruitment Agencies), visited Connexions offices, enquired vastly about Apprenticeships, asked in shops around town, given my CV to friends who's parents help out in getting jobs, asked around town a bit more. What else can I do? I'm restricted to B-Town nowadays due to lack of car, so it's even more tough than before. I'm starting to get scared that nothing will "come along eventually". I'm retreating into my shell more and more and this is doing me no good. I'm starting to feel like I was 6 months ago. Back to the dark days.

A Labour Party official turned up at the door yesterday afternoon. It's election time ladies and gentlemen! "Hello, I represent Patrick Hall in the Bedford and Kempston constituency and I, along with my Labour colleagues have ruined the country for you". I made the last bit up. The fact of the matter is, he asked me what the most important issue was for me at the moment. Obviously, I answered with the employment situation for young people. I couldn't tell you what he replied because I simply couldn't understand him. He made no sense whatsoever and if politicians are trying to help us out, they could at least get volunteers who spoke English and didn't read out of an encyclopaedia invented by a triple Cambridge graduate. It angered me so I spent 15 minutes at the door with him questioning him about crime rates, the economy and even briefly on university fees although that particular subject has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

After a while, I reckon he knew I was messing with him so he did the decent thing and walked off. Kept me entertained for a bit I suppose.. I'll be voting Lib Dem anyway - nothing will change my mind on that so for any volunteers of the Labour Party reading, or David Cameron's man slaves, bear that in mind and don't bother visiting me again. Unless you want a grilling.

I've come up with an idea. Maybe I could make an early retirement. In fact, that's a useless idea. I have about £2.45 in my pension account or whatever it is and Labour will probably create some sort of Pension Tax tomorrow so 75% will have gone. £2.45 isn't really enough to live out another 70 years of my life. 35p a year.. a nice solid wage! More than I'm getting now anyway!

Music has kept me going these last few weeks. I've been very willing to listen to artists I wouldn't usually listen to. Examples being Paramore, The Beatles, The Who, Blink 182 and I was even that bored the other day I typed in 'Justin Bei' into my YouTube search before YouTube screamed at me for even contemplating such an idea. Thank God it did because I may not be with you today, typing this and telling you my story if I had got any further. I would have slit my wrists. Anyway, music, I can't live without it at the moment. I always have music in my ears, which may be a life mistake as I may have missed the phone a few times this week and on the other end may of been an employer who hasn't got the time to ring back again! Unlikely though.. I hope so anyway.. Current Song: Elly Goulding - Starry Eyed. Good song. End of. Goodbye. Get out.

Tomorrow is the most eventful day of my weeks at the moment. Sunday of the football variety. We have a home game in the morning, which will probably be cancelled in the wake of the -7 ground frost we are about to encounter overnight before refereeing Under-17's, (MORE MONEY!!), in the afternoon which won't be called off because the blazing sun will have got rid of the frost by then! Money money money! As Tesco say, "Every Little Helps". Wait there for a second.. My need for a ham and cheese toastie has just risen to the level of "unbearable"..


That was very nice! Didn't cost me anything either! Result!

I don't have much more to say. My life is that empty that I can only comment on Labour volunteers, The Who and a ham and cheese toastie. Oh well. I've enjoyed writing tonight. It felt almost liberating, which was why I started writing this blog in the first place. Back in the ancient years of 2009. To let off some steam. Not bottle it all up. This blog has been a success. Once again, I urge you to let me know of your thoughts. They are always appreciated.

Ciao x

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