Saturday, 17 April 2010

Half Way There

I'm half way through my "long working week", but tonight is destined to be the busiest of them all. With a ridiculously large zone of the store to clean, more things to cook and more importantly more drunk customers to serve, tonight is going to be a killer. But I'm over half way there! Boy.. I'm gonna be happy on Monday morning...

Last night was fairly uneventful. My hapless co-worker took so long with his duties that I had to stay behind and help him with the large bundles of papers that lay by the front door and then the even larger bundle of inserts to ... insert into the papers.. I hate Saturday papers.. Why do The Telegraph need 4 inserts into each of their papers?! Why?! No one reads them! I might send them an angry e-mail...

Anyway, nothing else to say, so instead of doing what I've done in the past and waffled, I'll end it there.. I may well update tomorrow morning as I've got to stay up for football.. Big game tomorrow, but everyone else's heads are already on next Friday..

Laters x

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