Thursday, 22 April 2010


I'm fed up of people I know overreacting to everything. I do not understand the concept of friends and family as much as most people do. People make mistakes, everyone does, so why do people suddenly hate you so much when you do make a mistake? Why can't people accept you've done something wrong and say "Not a problem", and move on? Why does the whole world hold grudges on the most trivial of things?

Nothing untoward or major has happened in regards to my friends or family recently. Nothing that I would consider major anyway, however, I get the impression some people think its the end of the world when you make the smallest of mistakes. Say for example, you accidentally mis-quote someone and that person decides it's the end of your friendship. Ok, I got it wrong, get over it? Not with some people. Some people take life too seriously. Let your hair down a bit and get on with it man! I've had a couple of friendships in the past go completely down the pan simply due to the other persons complete ignorance and overreaction. Sorry, but if I'm mistaken on the smallest of facts, then .. sorry? If you're gonna act like I've killed your brother, then I don't want to be friends with you anyway.

Over the past ... 3 years .. I've only done one thing I consider to have been majorly wrong and dishonest and may well have warranted more "severe" actions from a friend of mine. I would of accepted the end of our friendship for what I did. However, most other slight mistakes I've made or wrong decision has been greeted with overreactions from some person or another. Receiving lectures like, "It's not what friends are for?" and crap like that. Clearly, I made a mistake, I'm sorry, lets get on with things! I don't see why people have to disagree so much and make a mountain out of a mole hill. Why can't people just live in harmony?

Disagreements, arguments and the like always bring the worst out of people. I have spoken before about trying to keep a cool head when I'm not happy about some things and I try to do that 100% every time I'm deeply angry or upset about something. Most people wouldn't notice if I was very angry. I've been angry about a lot of things in the last 6 months or so, but I don't think anyone has realised. It makes things more progressive and means everyone can get on with things more, instead of "talking things through". Eurgh.. I hate that phrase.. "Talking things through" means making more out of a situation that doesn't deserve the attention. I'd of been happy to "talk things through" after running away from home, if I was in the right frame of mind, because something that serious deserves it.. "Talking things through" because I said something about your hairstyle to someone else doesn't constitute the end of a friendship. I must stress I am using these as examples.. apart from the running away bit... unfortunately..

Friends should be there to have a laugh with, play football with, go to the pub with and get drunk with. Not to talk about your inner-most thoughts with. I believe not even family should know about these things. Your inner-most thoughts should be kept with you and dealt with by you. It shouldn't be anyone else's business, unless you need desperate help with it. This is my philosophy, which is the reason I don't speak to a lot of people about my problems. Only the people I trust to provide an honest opinion and to tell me what I NEED to hear and not what I WANT to hear, can help me with things.

People who are honest enough to help you, even if it hurts, and are not there to just try and make you feel better short-term about things. Truth hurts, yet truth is good.

There are probably only 3 people in this world who can do that. One of them I don't speak to so often and haven't seen him in a while, but when I need to tell someone something he is always there to provide an honest opinion, 100% of the time. I like people who are completely honest with me even if it's something I do not want to hear. And if this is not you, then don't worry about it. Let's go to the pub, and do what friends are supposed to do. Have a laugh.

"A long, long time ago. I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance..."

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