Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Did I say KEPT my job?

I did... but for some reason that prick I used to call my boss decided to change his mind. I never really did like that place... but I have no quams in admitting im absolutely gutted. I did want a longer christmas holiday - but not an unlimited one...

So I'm left without a job. All the money I have is the money left in my bank account which is a fair dose of last month's pay packet but after that - zilch. Boy.. this is harder than I thought...


EDIT - (2/11/2010)

Yep, about 10 months on from when I lost my job, I think it's time I admitted I told a little white lie. I didn't lose my job at all. I quit.

I'll tell you what happened. When I first started working there, I was given the position of Negotiator, renting out properties and conducting viewings and it was superb! Then, they hired a new guy. A pro with the university degree, flash(ish) car and stud earring and I was moved to Lettings Administrator. This is where things started to go wrong. I was ALWAYS bogged under piles of paperwork, dealing with countless complaints because we practically sold crap properties. One day, I made a massive mistake. I let a client go with over £2,000 rent owed and let her off scott free. I panicked. I went home for lunch, burst into tears and then rang my boss to tell him I was never returning. I couldn't face telling him I had lost him £2,000. That was that. I was scared of telling the truth, because I thought you would all hate me for throwing away a good job. Now, I know it's rubbish. I really didn't enjoy it anyway, and I have no regrets over my decision. Time to move on.

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