Thursday, 17 December 2009

Snow fucks everything up. FACT!

Mother nature usually picks a bad time to bring snow and today was no different. Weather forecasts predicted a "bit of light snow" but what we got was prctically a blizzard. So much was it, that not only my football was forced to be cancelled and tomorrow's training session but also my weekend trip to Manchester..

I had been looking forward to that trip but for once I had no choice but to accept my Dad's fledging attempts to stop me driving up there... "Police say you shouldn't", amongst other things. The fact of the matter is, it's icy out there and fuck me if I'm gonna brake and nothing happens. I'd rather not risk it just for a night out. Something a bit closer to home may be an option, considering I've got a whole lot of alcohol to see off. On the plus side, I now get to go for a curry. I do love a curry..

Aswell as this, work today was an absolute bitch. Mr Boss decided to have a one to one progressment meeting or whatever its called to check my progress since I've been there. Basically, I should be doing better but as long as I'm getting paid I don't give a shit. There is a lot of pressure surrounding that place and as I have explained before, I don't do pressure. It makes me act strange...

So the day hasn't been a success to say the least. And no amount of Anti D's can make you feel happy when you've had a shit day.. and it's bloody freezing.

Ciao x

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