Monday, 14 December 2009

I spoke too soon....

Well I was looking forward to tonight and it was going alright until my mate decided to headbutt the floor. Obviously, as is always the case, Mitten is the one who is gracious enough to take his friend to A&E - even if that place does scare the shit out of me.

I don't have the best of memories in hospital. Not many people do to be fair. But I spent what felt like most of my childhood in that place when I could of been out playing in the sun. When I walk through those doors into the reception area with it's grey-faced occupants and glum receptionist who doesn't like working night shifts - the memories come flooding back. They ask me what the problem is and for once it isn't me that needs attention. Luckily, I came home within an hour as my mate's parents turn up. I'm betting that I end up in that place within 6 months. Probably alcohol related.

On the brighter side, my trip to Manchester was confirmed today and I leave on Friday for the weekend. Last time this happened, it was the best weekend of my life so I'm determined to hope it lives up to it's rapturous expectations. We'll be wasted anyway so who cares.

As I speak about Manchester, my mates come to mind. Not often do I stop and think what a great help my mates have been to me over the past couple of years. When I have been unable to confide in my parents, some of my best mates have been there to lend their ears. They've been great. I still wonder how long it will take for me to jump my greatest hurdle however.....

As for tomorrow, I won't be able to get up as usual and I'll climb into my car thinking what a crap day it's gonna be after downing my daily dose of pill. Hopefully it will go as quick as today did - but I highly doubt it.

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