Thursday, 18 November 2010

Being A Referee

Talk amongst yourselves for a little while if you're not interested in my refereeing career. I feel I haven't spoken enough about it in this blog, seeing as it was the best thing I ever did. Qualify as a football referee.

This season, I really haven't been able to do a lot because of the job and all but every other Thursday night, a small gap appears in my diary which enables me to be an Assistant Referee in the Northants Senior Youth League. The fact I only get to be involved once every fortnight means I look forward to my matches a lot and tonight was no different!

I was put on the Bedford FC vs Brackley Town match, a bit of a mismatch as Bedford are languishing towards the bottom end of the table and Brackley, much the opposite. Being an Assistant, I feel, is tougher than being the man in the middle. It requires much more concentration and better positioning, both things I struggle on in refereeing.

I turned up at the ground at roughly 6.30pm for a 7:45 kick off, in a jovial mood, especially as I haven't got to go to work tomorrow and will instead be trekking up to Manchester. I met the other officials, Charlie, (who was in the middle tonight), and John, (the other Assistant). Charlie is younger than me, 17, but a really good up and coming referee. John is from the other end of the age spectrum, a Level 4 assessor, so he knew his stuff and gave us both a lot of pointers, in a friendly and respectful manner. We hung around for a bit, as we were a bit early, enjoying a cup of much needed hot coffee before going to have a walk around the pitch. I was talking to Charlie about his season. Something that I couldn't really give a view on, seeing as I haven't had one!

Not the best thing to bring up at this stage, but young Charlie is a good-looking young fella! Sorry, but I couldn't help but take a bit of a fancy to him! I didn't tell him though, obviously!

At about 7:15, we went back to the changing rooms to change into our all-black kit, and went out for a vigorous warm-up in the viciously cold weather. The temperature had really dropped and I sort of regretted only bringing a short-sleeved top! It was OK once I started running around though.

After the pre-match instruction talk from Ref Charlie, we made our way out to the middle after the mandatory stud and jewellery check. I've always thought checking player's studs seemed a bit pointless, until about a year ago, when I found a shard of glass stuck in between a player's studs. Since then, I always check valiantly.

7:45 and kick off. I was on the opposite side from the dugouts, which was already extremely muddy and resembled a mud bath after the amount of rain we've had. As the match wore on, I ended up stepping further and further back to avoid running in pure mud. It was tough on the legs, but a good workout none the less. The game? Was a poor one to be honest, Brackley went 4-0 up after 30 minutes and from then on, it was plain sailing. There was no Spurs-like comeback from Bedford and they went down 5-1 in the end. Not many decisions to make for any of us, and it was an easy nights work for all 3 of us.

We commented on each other's performances, as you do, on the way back and there was very little negativity, which is always good. No need for needless negativity when you've finished, as some other referees do. Praise builds confidence and makes a better referee. As I said before, I find being an Assistant more difficult than being the Referee. The concentration required to keep, "seeing the triangle" between ball, defensive line and referee is difficult to keep up for 90 minutes, especially when the game is dead. Crabbing on mud is also difficult on the old calf muscles, ('Crabbing' is referee talk for 'Side-stepping')! Sometimes, I find myself ball-watching and lose the defensive line and I reckon it's something I need to work on. I am a solid Assistant though, and seeing as I don't do anything else these days, it's a good opportunity to get better!

As we got changed back into our shirt and ties, admittedly with me trying not to look at good-looking Charlie, our match fees came in, a solid £23 to take to Manchester tomorrow. That's one night paid for! Well, me being the lightweight I probably am these days, maybe both nights?

I can't comment on how much I am looking forward to the exploits that are bound to be from the weekend coming up. Words do not speak loud enough. I hope it lives up to the anticipation.

And if it doesn't, my friend Mr.Jack Daniels will try his damnest to change it!

See you Sunday night! If I'm not dead or imprisoned...


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