Friday 15 April 2011

Where Have You Gone Joe Di Maggio?

Why? Why? Why? Why am I wide awake at 5am? I can't explain the frustration surrounding it. I got less hours sleepage yesterday to try and get back to some sort of normality, yet I find myself awake at stupid o'clock. I think I may know the reasoning behind it.

I don't do anything with my day. I mean, I had cricket training for a couple of hours, which involved a bit of half-hearted bowling, a couple of fielding exercises and a bat, (which is, let's face it, not overly exertive). That's it. Nothing else. Well, I went to the pub, but you can't exactly call that, "tiring yourself out" can you... I'm stuck like this until I can find something that will take my days up to a sufficient tiring standard and I can get to sleep before the change of day.

Unfortunately, we all know what's coming. Unfortunately, despite trying to kid myself and prove my parents wrong, I have no other choice but to admit I was wrong. I need a job. However much I dislike it, however much I desperately, desperately don't want to spend my days locked up in a dead-end space of nothingness, I also desperately, desperately want to get out of this vicious circle of nothingness, and there is only one route out.I suppose the money would come in handy aswell.. You see, I did try to get to sleep once again, but nothing happened. Tonight, my topic of thoughts based around Refereeing and University. Or a mixture of both. My thoughts on donning the black attire remain the same. I am still undecided. If I get a job, I may be more inclined to be more truthful to myself, but until that stage, I have no choice but to remain a referee. Whether I want to or not, is another matter. University? Well, there is so much to think about regarding that, I may never be able to sleep again, (God forbid!), but thankfully, I am trying to ignore the lure of university life until it becomes so close, I can smell it. At the moment, it's only in the horizon. Just like the Sun that is just about rising now...

Someone asked me earlier, "Do you ever sleep?", which I found quite comical, as I am quite possibly the laziest person on the planet. I do myself no favours, as discussed yesterday, but we won't go there again...

And for those of you who are wondering, I was listening to Simon & Garfunkel. And what?

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