Thursday 5 May 2011


Nothing has happened this week to be honest. This blog post is going to be arduously short. But it's been 3 days, and my commitment to my avid set of readers is big!

There's this bloke. He fits new bathrooms, and this week it's the Mitten Household's turn. He has come in, every day this week, at 8.30am, without fail. Every morning, making a racket, destroying the old bathroom, with the loudest set of tools possible. And every morning, without fail, he has the loudest ringtone that rings once every 3 and a half minutes, because this guy is the Head of the Bedford Mafia or something. Obviously, it doesn't wake me up. There would have to be a tsunami to wake me up, and even then I would contemplate another 10 minutes... On Tuesday, I was sort of embarrassed coming out of my room at 3 o clock in the afternoon, (as my sleeping pattern has reached ridiculous heights), so stayed in there until he had gone at 5, just dossing on the laptop.. (Don't!) Today, I went out to introduce myself, to the shock of the Bathroom Fitter, as he realised there was indeed another person living in this house. No, I am not an intruder.

The other big story of the week, is the Mittenmobie. The exhaust[ion] had nearly fallen off, until I dragged it round to the garage, (as Mick doesn't do exhausts, hey Kettle!), and they charged me a ridiculous £130 for a couple of bits of metal. It's still there now, waiting to be completed in the morning. I've got to wake up at 11 to collect it. 11am?! That's before lunchtime! Twice in 2 weeks? How unlucky is that...

Still, another weekend of cricket to look forward to, hopefully with better results than last weekend and then we're back at square one, hopefully with a working exhaust and no Yorkshire-accented bathroom guy. Great.

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