Wednesday 10 August 2011

All Of A Sudden

With about a month to go until my new life begins, today was the first day in a long time where I have actually felt bad. 10th August 2011, could be the beginning of the "bad season". It is strange that I feel perfectly fine throughout the hot and bright Summer months, even positively happy, but as soon as the darkness starts to close in, the temperatures drop and the rain is more prominent, I shrink back into my shell and start to overthink the smallest things and feel incredibly tired despite sleeping copious amounts.

Jason Dawe came into the "berp" this afternoon. If you don't know who he is, Google him, and you may recognise him. He presents certain motoring shows, all over the TV. He's gained about 10 stone in weight from his TV days, with forearms like hams hanging from the roof of a French patisserie. I didn't recognise him at first, but after being reminded by Cool Will that he was a television star, (of sorts), I could see the similarity.

Anyway. Back to me, and today has been rather difficult. I stayed up all night, following the outrageous and sickening scenes in our major cities as youths ran riot, attempting to get back into a respectable sleeping pattern in time for the early mornings of the upcoming weekend. I know this is all going to end up in a haze though, as I plan to do the stupidest thing imaginable. New heights of wasted times will be reached this weekend, as I go to Lottie's house party on Friday night, knowing full well that I have to be at work by 5:45 the following morning. The only positive I can take from the situation is that her house is just over the road from the "berp", giving me as much time as possible to sober up to serve 8 hours worth of tired Saturday morning custom. Those 8 hours are going to be described as "hell" at a later date, but it might well be worth it.

I have nothing more to say. The whole of this week, I have been awake most of the night watching the rioting unfold, while sleeping in the day, as I have failed to escape the horrendous owl-like sleeping patterns. Maybe that is the reason I feel a bit shit?

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