Sunday 25 September 2011

Vodka Helps

Some would argue that I shouldn't be here, in my room, typing up a blog post, but in fairness, I have spent the last 24 hours away from a computer. I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms here! I have spent my time here getting to know my new flatmates, generally socialising, (the occasional drink may be included*), and just chatting.

I cannot put into words how nervous I was yesterday morning. I had had a dream, that Gordon Brown, Gok Wan and Mr.Blobby were my flatmates for the year. It was probably a nightmare, but being woken up by Mother Mitten was a happy thing, and the day had finally come. "Being nervous" doesn't cut the mustard in this particular situation, but I was never going to back out at that stage. I cannot imagine the regret that would fill the rest of my life if I backed out. And I'm not going to act like it didn't cross my mind. It did.

The journey here was frightful. I was couped up in the back with suitcases and bags, transporting my whole life to another location, 3 hours away. I felt sick, through the travelling and quite probably the nerves and it was quite generally a horrific journey. I was scared that 'being me' was not going to be good enough for my flatmates, and I would end up being secluded in my room, whilst everyone else was out making new friendships. The classic Mitten ritual of thinking up the worst possible situations was in full flow in the back of that car.

Upon parking in the Halls car-park however, it all seemed to vanish. This was going to happen, and woe betide me if I was going to panic and do naff-all. Everyone around me looked as nervous as I was, even if a couple of them were carrying in 32-inch plasma TV's. As I hauled everything into my room, of which I gained a first glance on entry, I completely calmed down. The nerves had almost gone, and I met the only other person who was here, Rachael, who is great, and then we went to get some lunch and some much-needed essentials. You all know what I mean when I say "essentials" right?

We went to Sainsbury's, which is a trek and a half into the town centre, and got in some food. And some beer. And maybe a bottle of vodka. And a bottle of Jack Daniels... Too much? Pah. Whatever. My parents then left me to it, leaving at about 3.30pm, (possibly the biggest anti-climax to an event, ever), and I went to talk to Rachael. There was no awkwardness there. We chatted for ages, then decided to go on a random spree and knock on everyone else's flat doors.

The night I had was insane. We didn't go anywhere, only to the Student Union, which is literally 30 seconds away, ordered a lot of JD and cokes, (bizarrely given as triples), and Jagerbombs in some wierd shaped glass, that was difficult to down, plus some shots of vodka that I will hopefully never do again, and I was well on my way. I spoke to so many people last night, (most of which said I looked like the creator of MySpace?), and the night was good. I think I've made a good amount of friends, and a perfect base to expand my university experience. Sorry, I didn't read that last sentence from a brochure.. Honest!

I'll leave you to it. Besides, I'm supposed to be socialising! All of you lot that wanted this blog to continue, have got your wish!

*As said before, "Occasional" may not be the literal meaning of the word. And to those who received any ridiculous phone calls last night... Expect some more! What am I like! (Camp voice optional)

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