Sunday 15 January 2012

Confidence or Arrogance?

There is a big difference. Confidence suggests you know what you're doing, how you're going to do it and what the end result will be. Arrogance is all of these things, put on in a brash act. Most people can notice the difference, yet some people walk around as if they own the planet. Do they not know that we think they are idiotic imbesiles? Discuss.

Anyway. I only begin like this, because I have noticed a distinct difference between the two this weekend, with examples. I like confident people. Being confident doesn't mean you have to go round and shout about it, and I am beginning to reach this stage myself. I've had stages where I've thought I was confident but wasn't really, making me look arrogant to some people. I don't like arrogance. And I don't think I am at all arrogant, definitely not on purpose at least.

This weekend has been slightly more difficult than the rest of the week, which is a strict role reversal. Usually the "working week", (I know, don't comment!), is more effort than the weekend, but I presume Week 2 of 52 wants to be different. I have been out pretty much every day, walking and cycling in the sun, avoiding patches of frost that have built up in the overnight arctic conditions. I worked out that I had travelled a total of 33.2 miles this week, (including a Thursday where 0 miles were achieved), which is quite incredible by my standards. Despite my attitude of the past stating that the myth that "exercise helps the mind" being particularly prevelant, I have to say, it really does. Really, really does. More than anything else, it tires you out, meaning sleep is much easier to come by as midnight comes and goes.

To this particularly drab weekend then, and waking up on Saturday morning(ish) was difficult. For some reason, I didn't really want to get up and referee a poor Division 4 game, in the fresh conditions that this weekend brought, but I thought that getting up and at it might help. The game itself wasn't great, and neither was I, as my positioning was atrocious and I was wrong in law on one occasion although I have since been told that it wasn't really THAT important... Hmm... I was pleased to go home though, if I'm honest, and stewed around my mistakes for a while before stamping them out of my brain. I've got to learn to appreciate that mistakes happen, and you learn from them. It happens, get on with it. Move on to the next adventure. Saturday night was cool, as I chilled out downstairs watching 'Take Me Out' with the family, which is also an event I am trying to do more. My game today was called off due to a frozen pitch, thankfully, as I was even less motivated than yesterday to go out and referee, and we decided to go to the cinema instead. Which was a laugh!

Now it's 9.30pm, and I've got to get back on it again for tomorrow. The start to another week and the assault must continue. More exercise, more productiveness, more happiness. Let's do it.

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