Thursday 27 September 2012

Angry Mitten

It's not in my nature to be angry. I get slightly annoyed by certain things that happen in everyday life occasionally, just like everyone does, but never angry. I say "never", there have been examples of course, but it is unlike me. I do tend to just bottle it up and walk away from situations that could produce anger.

But this week, there have been 2 examples where I have gotten angry. Where I have actually thought about the situation and thought, "I'm very angry". Admittedly, one of these was whilst I was highly intoxicated but the other one, that occurred today, was just so... unbelievable... that it wound me up something fierce.

We'll start with the drunken one, and yes I know what you're all thinking. Here we go again, another story of a drunken Mitten that ended up with some ridiculous story about how he danced with a giraffe, got kicked out and was then angry before marching up the A428. But no. This particular case of anger was fuelled merely by the presence of another human being. There are not many people in this world I despise. I generally get on with people. I know that people have their flaws. Colin cannot turn up to an event on time. Saggers smokes like a chimney and Billie says she's sober all the time, despite being drunk. I can live with these things. Of course I can. But there are some people who have done the most unforgivable things, against good people, and I cannot stand that. I won't go into the story, as its not my story to tell, but lets just say, I HATE this person with all my heart. I HATE what he did to a good friend of mine and I HATE that he has seemingly gotten away with it. I saw him across the room at first, and tried to ignore him, but then he walked past me. In my drunken state, I bumped him in the shoulder. I didn't want to create a scene, but I wanted him to know I was there and I didn't like him. Obviously, his mates started on me, asking, "What the hell was that for?!" etc etc whilst this despicable human stood in the background, too much of a coward to ask me himself. Even now, I'm getting worked up talking about him. This incident was obviously started by me, but if I could have got away with punching him round his smug face, I would have done. But I walked away, despite my highly intoxicated state, because I am naturally not a person who likes confrontation. The thought that I instigated that at all still surprises me a little. That was my limit, and we got on with our night out. He wasn't worth excess trouble.

I do have a trump card to play if he does push me over the edge though. And frankly, I cannot wait to tell everyone about his escapades.

The other example of something that wound me up more than I'm used to is this situation with the "transition of power" at our cricket club. We all thought that our ex "Director of Cricket" had resigned but according to him, he hasn't. He has. But he hasn't. Has he? I don't know.

In what universe can a person, "resign all of their roles associated with the club" yet somehow still be Chairman? Is that possible? Is that how it works? Even with my inexperience in being involved with boards, and directors and what not, I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes. After years of being a frustrating person to work with, he is making the whole process harder, when it is already difficult enough.

Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this. It may be seen as "unprofessional", but for the (nearly) 3 years this blog has run, this blog's purpose is for me to release thoughts on to it. So here I am, releasing thoughts...

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