Monday 4 February 2013

The Beauty of the "Opinion"

Everyone has an opinion. Some choose to be vocal with them, some will merely point out the occasional traits of their own thoughts and some will simply put up and shut up. This is fine, I have no qualms against any category, but most importantly, I don't think anyone else should either. The unique nature of human life will inevitably lead to a similarly unique nature in opinion, and this will create debate, altercation or, as I have found out this past week, controversy.

I want to clarify my position based upon what I wrote in my last post. The vast majority of people who read it have simply looked past the fact that I, of course, want equality and skipped straight to presuming that I am against it because I am against the notion of the dedicated month. This is absolute nonsense. What I was TRYING to say, was that we shouldn't have a special month, but should instead do these sorts of things 24/7. I am gay 24/7. Not for one month of the year. As I have mentioned before, I do have the tendency to get too emotional when discussing issues that are close to my heart, and I think this came across in abundance throughout that post and subsequent comments. My opinion remains however. I think the intimation of a devoted month to the issue is not the right way to tackle the problem. The stopping of such events come March is as much a sign of inequality as the beginning of events in February is a mark of equality. That is my opinion. My opinion is not wrong. Just as much as other people's opinions are not wrong either. Many people in this world need to learn that people hold different views and believe in different methods to achieve the same positive result. My opinion may be in a minority, but it does not make it incorrect. I am not causing damage by having this opinion. I am merely suggesting another way to achieve the desired end.

I have recently discovered that if you leave the smallest corner of your brain vacant, just for a moment, people will jump at the chance to fill the gap with their own thoughts. As soon as this happens, you are not yourself and you become influenced. As selfish as it sounds, I have recently learnt to respect other people's opinions but at the same time, not to let them bother or change me. I know that if I am happy, that is the number one box ticked. But that doesn't mean I don't care about anyone else.

As a good friend recently told me, "First and foremost, you have to learn to live with yourself". This applies to everything from sexuality, career, friendship and also opinions. As soon as you adopt the path of someone else, you are no longer alive. You are no longer yourself. Some people need to learn to take their own path, for their own good. Some people need to develop their own opinions, for as long as you are a good-hearted human, they will not be wrong. Some people, as I have very recently learnt myself, need to take responsibility. To do that, you need independence. You can't be independent if you do not have your own opinions on the world. That is my opinion.

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