Thursday 28 March 2013

Mitten vs Crazy God Man

Yesterday evening, I took part in one of the most bizarre and frankly nonsensical conversations ever. So much so, that a lot of my friends joined in and joined forces against one of life's more horrific creations. It was on Twitter, (as if that needed saying), and the other half of the conversation was filled by a religious half-wit who must still be living in B.C. mode.

Now, religion is one of those topics I do not delve into very often. It is a subject that can be extremely sensitive to some, and divides opinion across the land. I am an atheist. Frankly, I do not understand how anyone can be a Christian and simply believe that all of the Bible's words are true. I do however, respect people's beliefs, and I do understand that the majority of Christian's lead a good life because of the Bible's words. This is ultimately a good thing. I do not know anything about any other religions to comment. However, I will not enter that argument for time's sake. I plan on going Christmas shopping in nearly 8 months, I'm not sure I'll have enough time for my complete argument to take shape.

But. And this is a big but. When I see a comment from someone on this social media platform about "homosexuality being a sin", I simply cannot sit back and ignore it. I had to comment. I had to confront him, virtually of course, over whether or not he is being legitimately serious. It turns out he was. Being technologically challenged, I have no idea how to screen shot the conversation and put it on here, so I will simply copy and paste them into text form. See what you make of this:


Me: Homosexuality is a sin? Who the hell do you think you are, claiming homosexuality is a sin?

@MPloughboy: Just telling you what God tells us, as you know.

(Already he has presumed that because he is a believer - everyone else is)

Me: Care to tell us what the Bible also preaches about rape, slavery and woman's rights? Presumably you believe in those aswell...

@MPloughboy: Yawn, another stupid Atheist trying to claim he knows what the Bible says. Doubtless you get those claims from an iffy website.

Me: Ok, lets actually believe that your God (out of thousands of supposed Gods of course), does exist. Why, if homosexuality is a sin, did he create homosexuals? If he thinks it's wrong, then why did he let us happen?

@MPloughboy: Homosexuals are merely those who indulge in a specific sexual sin, nothing more. You know God exists.

(The first insult of many...)

Me: Homosexuals are also humans. Humans that this "God" of yours created. Simple contradiction. Your argument is unbelievably flawed.

@MPloughboy: Humans who have chosen to disobey God and sin. Much like the rest of humanity.

(Unlike "devout Christians", to put it mildly, I make my decisions based on the morals of modern society. Not an outdated book from thousands of  years ago that contradicts itself at every turn.)

Me: The Bible is a load of rubbish - anyone who believes it verbatim has no morals. It's a book that belongs in the depths of history. You have... Faith. = Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.  "Proof" being the key word there. People like you poison the world with views that cause war/conflict. You are wrong. Very wrong.

(This is fact. There is a simple definition in there plus the FACT that more wars in history have been started over religion than any other factor.)

@MPloughboy: "war/conflict" is caused by sin, yours amongst others. (Insult again...) Not knowing what faith is you rely on a dictionary. Sadly it was probably compiled by those who were as ignorant as you. Actually faith is what we have in the God that all mankind knows exists. We trust the One we know is worthy of trust.

Me: You have no idea how much I just laughed at that mindless waffle... So you're saying that our language was compiled by people blighted with ignorance? You have LITERALLY denied the dictionary definition of faith?! Do you want to continue embarrassing yourself?

@MPloughboy: So you don't like the Bible because it tells you not to worship yourself, there's a surprise. Trouble is, you know God is real.

(He's starting to repeat himself as he runs out of any logical argument he had in the first place... If that was any at all...)

Me: No, in fact, I don't like the Bible, because it promotes hatred across the spectrum. It is quite unbelievable that people like you still hold these views in 2013. I am simply staggered by your religious psychobabble. If I had the indignation or the patience, I would spend hours correcting your brainwashed mind. Bearing in mind I don't, I consider this conversation done.

@MPloughboy [to one of my friends who has joined the conversation]: Homosexuality is merely a sin, much like stealing, lying, or murder.

(I am staggered. Naturally.)

Me: You're literally comparing being gay to murder? You're actually saying that? Wow, you low life piece of scum!

@MPloughboy:  Both are sins, and did you not notice that I included stealing and lying.

(As if they can be mentioned in the same bracket!)

Any of those will bring God's wrath on you.  Because, unlike you, I have read the Bible. The one with misfortune is you, or rather, you are the one with God's judgment hanging over your head.

Me: Hahahaha WHAT?! How do you know the Bible wasn't written by Joe Bloggs? or JK Rowling? Why don't you PROVE it's existence? You can't. Because its impossible. If my magical creators of the dictionary, (which is at least true), didn't know what "faith" meant, chances are they didn't know what other words meant? Like "bread" or "movement". Your argument is simply being dismantled by logic, reason and even comedy, instead of fantasy and delusion.

@MPloughboy: You really aren't following the argument are you. Still that is to be expected in those dead in their sins.

Me: I refuse to follow the argument of a person who likens homosexuality to murder in all honesty. Maybe you should think about what you're saying before you speak.

@MPloughboy: You know God exists but you are in rebellion against Him, hence the hatred of what He has written in the Bible.

Me: Give it a rest and listen to the decent people on this planet who are trying to help you. Come over to the dark side, its nicer.

@MPloughboy: You are simply one of many who have chosen to disobey God and sin. Much like the rest of humanity. On the contrary, none are even decent.

(He actually claims that there are NO DECENT HUMANS on the planet except him. Rather big-headed of him don't you think??)

Me: This conversation is officially laughable. Bear with me, while I anally penetrate a gentleman.

(I'm simply toying with him. I've worked out it is impossible to reason with a brainwashed mind.)


Now. It may sound like I was incredibly aggressive during that exchange, but it is kind of difficult when a part of my life is being compared to murder. It is kind of difficult to keep your compsure, when I am being compared directly to someone else who mindlessly takes the life of another. It may sound as if I am calling all people of a religious nature complete and utter idiots. But this is false.

I am an atheist, true, but I respect that people do believe. And as I said, I KNOW that at least everyone I have the fortune to know use their belief in the best possible terms, and use religion as a force for good in their own lives. However, it is people like this, who must believe they are Moses, to take the words of the Bible verbatim, and use them in context with modern society. Surely there is nothing more infuriating? And when this person is being directly insulting, I cannot help but put up a fight against it. Thankfully, I do not know anyone like this. What also annoyed me was his continued repetition. There was no argument, just religious waffling with no actual words to back up his claims. People who argue their point with no obvious evidence anger me beyond recognition.

Despite the insulting nature of his comments, I actually found the exchange literally laughable. I was astounded that people still think that in 2013, and it made my evening!

But, please, if you're going to approach me in person and express similar views, expect to be punched in the face, because I will not stand for it. Thankfully, I have amazing friends and know amazing people who don't hold such views!

 Thank.... God?


Tim Scott said...

Sounds as though you are very proud to have bullied this guy just because he doesn't hold the same opinion as you and your friends.
You don't want to be compared to a murderer and yet you are quite happy to punch someone in the face if they tell you they don't agree with your views.
What a fun person you must be on a night out.

Mitten said...

I'm not a violent person whatsoever, but quiet frankly, I can't think of anything more insulting than what this person said about me.

If you think I bullied him, then maybe you've simply misconstrued the conversation. Quite incredible how you can think a man who compares me to a murderer is somehow the victim. I have every right to stand up for myself in the face of such outdated and homophobic abuse, even if it is from a mad stranger on social media. For that is what he is, a mad stranger.