Friday 2 July 2010

Messrs Wray and Nephews

Anyone who has encountered this rum-based liqeur is a highly unlucky person.

Today has been a non-stop attempt to long out the fact that I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I went to golf, where I played distinctly average, straight to a distinctly average cricket match although we wrapped up the league title and then on to a dinstinctly average night out on the town..

Not that I know what a distinctly night out is recently, because I simply haven't been on one! I've had 1 bottle of Corona in 3 months up until tonight so part of me was apprehensive that it was going to be a cheap night until I roll over on the grass or be sick outside a takeaway somewhere. I knew I had to take it slow, and I did just that. I was "merry", where some other people were near death, namely Beddoe, and to join the younger people enjoying their prom afterparty was pretty cool! Walking home wasn't cool though, so I joined Boony in walking towards his and then ended up going to work... Not to work however, just to buy a few things that totalled up to £6.75.. with 5p for a bag remember.. Ludicrous prices! The donuts are just horrible aswell.. Why I bought those I don't know.. I was going to walk home but I had an epic dose of what youths call "Cba" and rang for a cab.

The cab that turned up was a regular customer at BP and we know each other very well. Whenever I see him walk through the door I grab 10 Sovereign and he pays his £3.20 and he's on his way again. Not even a word need be spoken, but tonight, he was at work and I was the paying customer. He's a top bloke, and we had fun completely ripping into The Wall before I got home, at about 4:15am, and came upstairs to type this blog! That's that! It's nice to know that it's not just me being obnoxious and that everyone else genuinely dislikes The Wall. I wonder if there is one person in the world who likes him...? Hmmm..

I also wonder how Beddoe is doing.. Earlier in the night, he had a couple of shots of 'Wray and Nephews', a 63% alcohol rum shot which is possibly the worst thing on the planet. He wasn't so good at half 1 when he was being sick in the corner of the club so now, I presume, he is at home. Asleep. Being sick more.. The damage Messrs Wray and Nephews does to you.. Especially if you have 2 of them... Oh Beddoe..

Laters x

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