Saturday 24 July 2010

Sick As A Parrot

The last 30 hours or so have been absolute Hell. Shivering, singing Katy Perry's 'Hot n Cold' and trying to treat a massive headache with what feels like the whole of the UK's imported supply of Nurofen, it's been horrible. It's only the last couple of hours or so that I've started to feel marginally better, however, I'm thinking, rather ambitiously, that I may be able to play a full part in cricket tomorrow. Something I wasn't able to get close to today.

I called in sick yesterday and today. I have to call in a considerable amount of hours early so they can find a replacement and on the deadline, I felt the same as I had done for the last 24 hours. The management, even the one who's a complete legend, didn't seem happy at my decision, but what can a man do? If I can't physically get out of bed for more than 5 minutes without needing to collapse again then how the hell am I expected to work one of, if not, THE busiest shift of the week for 8 hours? I don't like the way that management talk in that situation, because they sound really pedantic and I always get the impression they think I'm lying. I do appreciate they are now 2 short as one other, now former employee, lost his job in the week.

I have nothing else to say as I feel a large headache coming on. I can't stare at the screen for more than 10 minutes.. Congratulations to Beddoe aswell! Took the mantle of the opening batsman incredibly well!

Much love x

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