Friday 26 November 2010

Holiday Blues

I've decided to delay my decision of whether I should carry on this job until after Christmas. Let me get the triple pay under the belt before I decide whether to continue. I've put my sudden dislike of the job down to the fact I was suffering from an acute bout of the holiday blues. Getting back into the swing of things after 9 very fun and eventful days off is hard to do, you know.

I don't know. Tonight was better than last night, despite the fact there was a lot more to do than usual, and I can't help but think that tomorrow is going to be awful. So much so that my inevitable blog post tomorrow will have me whingeing about how I, "spoke too soon" and will quit as soon as possible. But when it came down to it tonight, I just couldn't speak my mind. The manager is just too much of a legend to give him some bad news. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it. I'm not sure I have the bottle to make such a decision. My parents would screw, I would let down a whole team of colleagues who, if I say so myself, rely on a couple of us on nights to get jobs done, even if I do hate it that way, and I imagine life would be rubbish without any income.

Maybe this is just life. Good days where you think you can do this job forever and bad days where you just want to quit and never come back. I have had the stages in the past, and maybe I'm just going through a bad one?

Too many thoughts going through my head at the moment, and my laptop won't even let me watch any Ashes highlights to brighten my mood... Tonight, is going to be, horrific.

Cya x

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