Wednesday 17 November 2010

Now For The Interesting Part... Nearly!

The first few days have all been preperation. I have my new haircut, that isn't really new at all, I've pumped the tyres up, and most importantly, bought my JD, and I'm ready to have the biggest party I've ever had.

To be honest, nothing has really happened in the last few days. It's all been fairly boring housekeeping and present searching seeing as it's Father Mitten's birthday tomorrow. I was tempted to buy him a new pair of crutches or a bell to ring so that his servant, (Mother Mitten), knows when he wants something! In the end, we got some other things. It's a surprise Dad!

I'm refereeing tomorrow night aswell, as I do every other Thursday, so that will give me more money to take with me for the weekend ahead, although it's most likely to go on fuel. For the car that is. Not me. There is a real possibility I'm going to die from alcohol poisoning... oh well!

What else? Not a lot really. Like I say, nothing is happening. Just waiting... Such a long wait!

Cya x

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