Friday 25 February 2011

Let's Make Something of the Day

I've gotten back into the horrible pattern of going to sleep at 4am and waking up at an undesignated time the wrong side of midday, and it's not something I need to get back into. As I was lying in bed at about 1pm today, (I know... Don't..), I could do 1 of 2 things.

1) I could stay here, in this, admittedly, very comfortable, warm and cosy bed and sleep away the afternoon in a manner that suggests I am not bothered about my own life and I don't really care what happens today.

or 2) I could get up, have a shower, get dressed and go and do a few things I needed to do.

Thankfully, I chose option 2 and I went about the day in a fairly productive fashion. Nothing major has happened today, (well.. not yet anyway!) I went to find the pitch I'll be refereeing on tomorrow, (a habit I've gotten into so I don't get lost finding new grounds, which would be the height of embarrassment), went to buy some sock ties, (yep, it's interesting stuff), and went to look for another place, which I found with consumate ease. I then applied for a couple of jobs, which I will receive no reply from and had dinner.

Which brings us to now. I have just gone downstairs and told Father Mitten rather quickly that I will not be attending training tonight. So quickly, that I had to repeat myself and continue the awkwardness for a while longer before receiving the hopeful reply and now I am waiting. For the wasters.

Yep, I'm going to town tonight, for the first time since the frightful episode in Manchester. I have already had one, "warning talk" from Mother Mitten and will no doubt receive another before I leave. It has to be expected after last time so I will just nod and say, "yeah" a lot before embarking on an easy-going night. Even if it's without the ridiculous innuendo-taking Colin. I have debated on whether to go out or not all week. Whether or not I want to go out drinking again, especially after last time, is a decision I have not yet made my mind up for. One's thing for sure though, "taking it easy" is an understatement for my drinking attitude for tonight.

And it's not just because of the obvious reasons either. I am refereeing tomorrow and it's all well and good finding your way to the ground, but if you're going to referee for 90 minutes with a banging headache and the feeling that you may vomit in the face of the Blue Number 9 is enough to keep me out of harm's way tonight. I will watch as Beddoe and fellow wasters sink slowly into their drinking trousers and I will laugh at the misfortune that will most probably arise, with circumstances yet to be found out.

I am looking forward to tonight, and I may drink a bit more than I say I am going to drink, but I will NOT, I repeat ... NOT ... be going all out. Anything but.

The weekend doesn't hold a lot. A game to referee tomorrow and a game to referee on Sunday with no playing time in between before we get back to the humdrum and loneliness of another "working week". Talking of work, I heard back from the coaching job who stated that the funding for the position(s) has been cut so they have halted all interviews. I was never wholly optimistic anyway... Never mind.

So, a bloggle may come your way in the early hours if the night proves to be a topic to talk about. If not, you know what to do!

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