Tuesday 15 February 2011

Manic Euphoria

That is certainly the best way to describe it. Last night was exceptionally wierd, but it is certainly better than the rubbishy, downs I have. I don't have any explanation as to the mood I was in, but I gather it was kind of entertaining for the people who realised, although it was bordering on wierd at it's height.

If you have no idea what I'm on about, then you are not alone, because I don't either. I'm not too sure how to explain it. For a few hours last night, I wasn't doing anything amazing. Just sitting here on my bed, leaning against my customary 3 pillows, but the good mood I have had in the last few days seemed to get a bit out of control. It is the best way to describe it. My mind was racing, my heart was going a mile a minute, the edges of my limbs were tingling in a similar way to when you're a good sort of tipsy. I didn't have anything to drink, I swear, or any drugs.. God forbid! I just don't know what it was!

I was incredibly talkative aswell, finding the most random things hilariously funny, (which is harder to keep control of at 11pm at night when the parents are asleep just down the hall), and I do have the habit of saying things before properly thinking about them, which landed me in a couple of small holes throughout the "episode". For that is what it was, an episode. I didn't mean anything I said, and I hope they realise that! I'm sure they do.

At about midnight, it started to get a bit scary though. I have had this sort of thing happen to me before, although I have never really thought about them as much as I have today, or what triggers them. For some reason, I talked to one of Beddoe's flatmates who studies medicine who sarcastically told me after a few needless questions that he wasn't an expert in anything that didn't kill... Promising. I decided at midnight, to go outside, and after a scarily rowdy chat with a slightly tipsy Watty, went for a quick sprint round the block, in the freezing cold, before sprinting home, hurriedly saying goodbye to everyone and going to bed. Maybe a bit of pure silence would help calm me down! It did, after a couple of hours, and I was awoken by an impatient Kettle this morning back in the norm. Phew.

It was certainly a laugh. And they are certainly better than the opposite that happens much more often, but I wouldn't want it to happen too often. I don't know what it is, and to be honest, I'd rather keep it that way. It doesn't do anyone any harm, and apparently it bought a smile to a few people's faces, and I was quite clearly happy. So what's the problem!

I did think that after this, I may feel the reverse effects and feel a bit down for a few days, but I've been all good today. Keeping occupied by being a fat git with Kettle. After he bought me a bacon roll from the shops of the good ol' days, we headed to Pizza Hut for a buffet after being roped in by the TV advert. Upon seeing it, we agreed to go and also agreed we were the puppets of media manipulation. Oh no...

Still, I've got my match to look forward to later, which will gain me a few extra pounds despite the travelling and a week full of activity which I described yesterday. I organised a mini-school reunion for next Saturday, that I am looking forward to already, and my fears of feeling down have yet to materialise. And long may it stay that way! If only!

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