Sunday 3 January 2016


Depression is a horrible, horrible illness but it can be beaten.

I liken it to a war. An unexpected invasion from nowhere with attacks leaving you wondering what the hell is happening. Random invasions of privacy inside your mind, as if you were being bombed with dark thoughts.

But after a while, you get your Army in place and defend your fort. Over time, whether that be days, weeks, months or years, your Army will defend your fort, otherwise known as your mind, as best it can.

It can take time to get the right number of soldiers to defeat the attacks. Sometimes they get through and cause damage. Sometimes they are fought off. As time goes by, your soldiers grow in number and skill and can deal with the same attacks more effectively.

Depression then, and it attacks, never really goes away, but the way you fight it can be honed to such a degree that the attacks eventually cause no damage. Your soldiers protect your fort.

That to me, is what depression is. A sometimes bloody war that can be won by skill and perseverance. Everyone suffering from depression has the ability to be the next Churchill.

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