Friday 20 May 2016

The Quarter Century

"You'll know when you get to the stage that you just don't want to go clubbing anymore. Trust me."

That was a line I heard from one of my cricket teammates during our cricket tour of Wales a couple of years back. At the time, I was addicted to the drunken lifestyle and never wanted it to end. The line above is one that I refused to believe.

Until now.

Today is my 25th birthday. Even typing that makes me feel a bit odd. The last few years, on my 22nd, 23rd and 24th birthdays, I have obviously gotten a year older but still had the mind set of an 18-year old. Hell, on my 23rd birthday, I ended up in fucking Brighton. I never really felt like a proper adult, but today has been so, so different.

I'm only a day older than I was yesterday of course, but today is the day I became an adult. I've just got home from the pub, before midnight, not wanting to get stupidly drunk and sleeping with a random like past birthdays, but wanting to be fresh enough for the cricket match tomorrow. Scared of the impending hangover and the empty bank account. I have enjoyed this evening, but that increasing strength of thought that pulsates through my mind is now impossible to ignore.

"The 5am finishes are long gone."

There will be times where I will feel like going out on a big night, rolling in at stupid o'clock with a kebab, but those times are considerably less frequent. My mind is more focused on family life and my career now, instead of pining after a JD and coke on a Friday night. I guess it's called "growing up".

Last weekend, post Eurovision, was one of those big nights. The day after was absolutely horrendous. I staved off the sickness until I got home, but I had barely recovered in time for Monday morning and the 8am walk to work. Something has to give. And frankly, I'm happy it has.

I have a promotion interview on Monday, which is a complete win-win situation bearing in mind it's for a job that's two bands higher than I'm at currently. I will be on cloud nine if I get it. Now, I'm heading to bed, happy I've made the right choice and *fingers crossed* a clear head for the weekend.

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