Wednesday 13 July 2016

All Those Little Things

So I'm over halfway my fortnight off work and I have to say, first things first, I'm delighted I took that second week. Not only did I feel like I didn't have enough time to recuperate inside a week, I know I will be ready for the hard-hitting nature of the job by Monday morning.

It's currently 1am on Wednesday morning and I have decided I hate British politics. If you're, for some odd reason, reading this from the USA, the UK has gone bat shit crazy. And you thought Trump was bad...

The UK voted to leave the EU, leaving us less economically stable, less safe, more racist with minorities left open to attack and indeed, alone. I'm not going to go into that argument in too much detail as I'm sick to death of the whole thing but that result has led to utter carnage in the bubble of Westminster.

Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned with Theresa May due to take over, (that's due to happen today in fact). They had a leadership contest where May's opponent dropped out after a matter of days leaving a free run at the top job for Cruella Da Ville.

Anyway. The perfect time for the opposition to scrutinise but no, Labour
decide to fight among themselves. A woman called Angela Eagle has challenged current Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn to a fight and because of the stupid Labour rules, the members get to decide who wins. Although in this country, it costs a mere £3 to join Labour, meaning effectively anyone can vote.

I have since learnt that new members can't vote but the point still stands.

"While Labour struggle and fiddle with their zip, the Tories are enjoying a post-coital cigar after removing their massive Johnson."

Cracking Boris reference.

In other news, I've seemingly forgotten how to hold a cricket bat, I've got a new idea for a book and I've stopped taking my sertraline which is a big step in the right direction for a med-free future. Although I am still taking Quetiapine at night because it helps me sleep...

... He says at 1:15am...

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