Saturday 23 July 2016

Witnessing a Standard Night Out

The last time I reported from this club, I was running a social experiment about hitting on guys in "straight" clubs. Tonight, I return to the same place to report on what really happens in the murkiness of a club smoking area and the cesspit of a nightclub dance floor.

It's 1am and I'm out in the smoking area. I'm on my own, probably looking like a complete loner but I'm here to tell you what really happens. The club is half full; the smoking area outside full with males trying to chat up women, one of whom has been successful. My initial reaction was one of disgust and amazement at how women can put up with this caveman attitude. Alcohol does amazing things.

One couple seem genuinely together, but the others at the moment look like men trying to coerce women into acts they're not comfortable with. It's highly uncomfortable to witness.

There are of course some "lads" stumbling around acting as if they're Casanova but instead accidentally head butting the metal poles that protrude from the ceiling. A more embarrassing act than me standing on my own in the corner. It's incredible to think that I used to stand by and watch my friends do the same thing.

The club continues to fill.

I walk from the smoking section towards the dance floor but on the way I notice a group of four lads, actively attempting to grope a group of ladies, who aren't even looking. I struggle to understand how this is acceptable. Can you imagine that happening in a shopping centre at midday? Why is it acceptable in a nightclub?

I have a full view of the dance floor now, looking extremely cool strapped to my phone as I type, as if I'm expecting to find a rare Pokémon at the bar. It's 01:30 and most of the guys in my vicinity are staring idly at girls, trying to get their attention. Some of them are pulling off extreme dance moves to try and gain attention.

Whether this was the norm in the 90s and before I do not know, but the main impression I get is that guys no longer come out for a good night. To drink, dance and enjoy.

They exclusively come out to pull.

I for one don't understand this attitude. Even when I go to gay bars, I don't look to pull. Why would you? It merely proves that this world we live in is sex driven. And it saddens me.

It's 01:45 now and I'm walking home. Still relatively early for the hardcore party goers whose night continues. What I have said above is merely the tip of the iceberg. Men will continue to prey on women through the night, as alcohol flows and everyone becomes that bit more open; guys assessing those who are vulnerable through excess alcohol.

Call me a grumpy old man if you will, but it's only in the past year that I've began to appreciate how horrible this must be. I used to be the hardcore 18 year old. Chasing girls to try and prove my masculinity, (of course that's a whole different story). But... Why don't girls just slap the guys who give them unwanted attention?

I actually feel awful at contributing to this problem. However small my contribution may have been.

I'm sorry, but from an hours worth of genuine observation tonight, I've figured that the dangers for women on a night out are profuse and considerably dangerous. It's shocking. Even walking home, men on street corners offer a proposal to passing ladies. What do they expect them to say?

This has turned into a rant. A shame, but what I've seen tonight has angered me. I'll buy a burger and get a good night's sleep.

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