Tuesday 22 December 2009

One of the Hardest Days...

Today has been tough, no doubt. The post earlier was just an outburst of a mixture of anger and disappointment but after thinking about it a bit more - I've concluded that I'm screwed.

I spent the best part of 6 months looking for a job and then when one does come along - it doesn't last - so I feel I am back at square one. People say "you now have experience" but 3 months worth won't count for a lot. I was just starting to get into the routine of getting up early and going to work and coming home at 6 - but now I know I will drift back into my old habits before I started work... it's really not good.

However, unlike most of the past 18 months or so, I have been trying to look on the bright side of things. I do now get a big christmas holiday which isn't too bad and its not as if I have no money to spend - just no more coming in for the time being..

I have been thinking of possible alternatives. University is an option, but do I really want to put myself in a mountain of debt just to fill 3 years of my life? Its a toughie. Finding another job is the most obvious option but with things as they are - this could take months.. Who knows!

The 'rents have offered their support as usual and I have turned it down... as usual... stating I can deal with it on my own. They say its my life and that I can do what I want with it yet they try and influence it anyway... I know they love me and care for what I do, but I feel I can get myself out of this.. however long it takes.

Nothing takes away the fact however that I have become another statistic included in the 'Unemployed' section. I am now classed as a bum until I find myself another job so I'm hoping that I am not labelled with this for a long time.

One thing is for sure... I can't wait for 2010... can't get much worse than 09!

Ciao x

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