Wednesday 23 December 2009

Tis' the season to be jolly

Its Christmas. As a kid, the best time of the year. As a teenager, not too bad. Now officially as an adult I can't be arsed. It's just too much effort to go and spend hard earned money on crap that people don't want just for the sake of buying them something. I mean my dear father asked for a jumper and a scarf. He'll wear them about 6 times in his life and that's that.

Today has been cool though. Went to town with Roger, (not his real name) and met a few of his strange yet exhilerating friends which I enjoyed. As well as that I have been an effective taxi driver shipping my mum and sister to town and back..

I always have had good memories of Christmas. Childhood was good for me and I know this year just ain't gonna be as good. What with a huge black cloud hanging over my life it really does feel like I have loads of other things I'd rather worry about than whether I'm gonna have another slice of chocolate gateau and whether to watch The Grinch or The Queen's Speech. It will drag past with family members asking how the job was going and me having to give them a bad and strangely embarrassing reply in return. Boy.. even Crimbo is tough nowadays..

Maybe I will go and get smashed on Christmas Eve and spend most of Crimbo Day in bed and it will go quicker? Thats not a bad plan... For now though I must suffer the inevitable - a cosy family Christmas.

Bye x

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