Sunday 3 July 2011

The First of Many Coffees

Today is going to be a huge, huge struggle. After the complete and utter madness of a night out on the town on Friday night, I got about 6 hours sleep before I had to awake for the latest episode of the cricket season. I returned from a comprehensive victory, albeit spending most of it half-asleep whilst not really contributing, at roughly 8pm. I had planned upon going to sleep not long after, getting a solid 9 hours before my insanely early rise for work.... On a Sunday.

However. It hasn't quite worked out like that. Yes, I went to sleep at 9, but I awoke at midnight and since then I have not been able to get back to sleep. It is currently 02:09, and I have to be at work in under 4 hours. My ruined brain cannot work out whether there is any point going back to sleep, but in reality, I am so tired. However, here I am, on the laptop at the time I'd usually consider, "normal", but seeing as I'm expected at work by 6... The whole world has become insane. My heart wants to stay awake for the whole day, not making any stupid tiresome mistakes at work, and simply get through cricket this afternoon before I can collapse. My brain, however, says I should get as much sleep as possible, (a maximum of 3 hours now), to stand as much chance of surviving tomorrow as possible. I can consider dosing myself up on the classic combination of coffee, pro plus and Red Bull, but I'm not the biggest fan of Coffee and after the amount of Jagerbombs I've had in recent times, I'm not exactly certain my stomach could stomach any more Red Bull..

Friday night? Yet again, I was proved wrong. My previous thoughts that it may not be as good as Wednesday were blown straight out the window by a bazooka, as that ridiculous jacuzzi had remained at the back of Saints, but also, there was a glass cabinet that anyone could enter. A sort of dance stage above the dancefloor, but what we didn't realise was that halfway through a 10-minute stint, a few showers turned on and simply soaked us. I was drowned, and once again, seeing as I was already soaked through, we thought we may aswell go all out! The photos, once more, tell the whole story. Upon returning home, I found that my EuroMillions ticket had been destroyed by the water, (I would of won a tenner!), and the radiators would once again be working overtime.

Cricket today was a strange one. I scored the slowest 14 you're ever going to see, probably because of the fact I was seeing a few balls fly towards me instead of one, and spent most of the time falling asleep, when I was supposed to be fielding. Otherwise, a comprehensive victory and a tiresome drive home.

This was a good thing. I figured that if I was tired, I would be able to get a decent amount of sleep in time for a stupidly early start, especially for a Sunday, but I don't really know what's happened. I woke up to the news that The Hayemaker had lost the boxing, figured that I was going to be stupidly tired anyway and had the old battle of 'Stay Awake vs Sleep', and I've suddenly looked at the clock and it's HALF PAST FUCKING TWO?!

Despite just having what will be the first of about 450 coffees today, I'm going to have to follow my brain and try and get a few hours kip. I feel sorry for whoever encounters me in a few hours... I will be the Devil.

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