Wednesday 10 March 2010


Yeah OK OK I'll give you another (small) blog entry seeing as I didn't give you one on Monday, you blog-following freaks! The title by the way is an anagram of something. Answer at the bottom of this entry.

Job-hunting may well come to a close soon. Sort of. My chances of getting this night shift job at BP, although unglamorous, I reckon is quite high seeing as Saggers is apparently doing his level best to get me the job. It's a night shift job, which, as I've been told so many times, "suits me" as I cannot stand early starts. So I'll have a late one instead! At least if I do get the job I can get the Mittenmobile back on the road and start having some money again! Something I have missed a lot! I would still be job-hunting though as working at BP isn't exactly my career aspiration. I may not know what I want to do, but that is not it! So i'll look for the "perfect" job still whilst working there. I feel things are falling into place.

This evening, went to Kettle's thrashed him at FIFA, he thrashed me using Mayfair and I added his Dad on facebook! Good times! I got back and discovered something grrreat! (as that Tiger says..)

Answer: Spotify

Cya x

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