Monday 7 June 2010

Resignation Tendered

I am thinking about resigning as captain of the Bedford Saturday side. It has nothing to do with the quality of the side or the fact we have to play amazingly to even stand a chance of winning a game, but it's the sheer fact of working and playing cricket throughout a weekend with very little sleep. I feel it's starting to make things very tough and even dangerous.

Working Friday night, playing Saturday, working Saturday night, playing Sunday and working Sunday night, all with roughly 10 hours sleep in total means that come Sunday 10pm, I am nearly on the floor and that is before I start. By 6am, I am almost drunk with the tiredness and then I spend the next couple of days catching up by becoming seemingly dead. Sunday cricket is my best chance of improving as a player and the team and quality is much better, so my only option is to quit Saturdays, and quit as captain. It has been a challenge captaining that side, with very few resources and having to rely on a few players to build a challenge, it sure has been eventful. I have enjoyed the challenge, and I don't want to resign, but I think it's high time I started thinking about work ahead of leisure, and these days, work comes first.

I said it has the potential to make things dangerous. This evening I almost severely burnt my hand taking a searing hot tray out of the oven without oven gloves and nearly stabbing myself in the hand with a pair of scissors. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when you've had little sleep, these things just happen. I didn't hurt myself, but I nearly did, and it's this fact that makes things dangerous. This weekend, I hardly batted at all on Saturday and didn't even play today, and those things still happened.. If I end up playing 2 days and batting well both days, (if only..), then things could become hazardous.

We don't have any games on the Sundays for a few weeks, so I will carry on playing Saturdays until then. I will resign at some point this week, in advance of the date, so the "Director of Cricket", otherwise known as "That moron who attempts to run a cricket club", can see who else wants the job, if anyone at all..

It's a shame, but sometimes, sacrifices have to be made.

Bye x

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