Tuesday 22 June 2010

You're Round

That cup final win a few months back was something special, and so was the after-match party, for very different reasons, but since then I have literally only had one bottle of Corona, (which was last Thursday), and that's it. I'm not a massive drinker. In fact, I hardly drink at all if I have no intention of getting ruined, (or Mittoed), so I don't bother. Since that amazing / frightful day however, I simply haven't been able to stomach it. Not even a single shot. I am probably now as much of a lightweight since I was when I first turned 18, which is half good, half bad and part of me does want to go out and get ruined... Work restricts me however..

I do feel slightly isolated from the world at the moment. I sleep when everyone is awake and work when everyone is asleep and it sometimes makes me feel lonely.. I don't have anyone to talk to during the nights, (except the 4 walls + another wall). I miss the times when I could go out at the weekend, like a normal teenager, instead of serving them cigarettes at 3 in the morning and I miss the socialising part of being my age. Deeply. I hear stories of silly times, ridiculous times and downright dangerous times and I think to myself, "I was probably at work" and then feel more lonely... I know, it sounds stupid.

All the memories of jumping over the bush only to find that you were nearly impaled by the rusty old fence that lay on the other side, or running in the middle of the road to abuse a cabbie or even being horribly sick outside Hot n Spice, (glad to announce I'm no longer banned...), I miss those days a lot. Except the sick one... I was glad when that finished.. So many memories I can't possibly list all of them. Have I mentioned I miss them?

Maybe it's time to grow up but there is still a little bit of Mitten that wants to have a party occasionally. I haven't been able to do that recently and frankly, work is rubbish and boring when all you want to do is party..

Laters x

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