Monday 27 June 2011

Back to the Good Old Days

There were many potential titles to this particular blog entry. 'Mini Heatwave' in accordance with the sudden raise in temperature that is almost certain to finish as soon as it started. I sit here in my room, at 6:30am, with the window thrown wide open in a desperate attempt to let in any cool air that may have survived from the night. 'Dude Looks Like a Lady', after the song with that title started playing instantaneously with the arrival of a transvetite that entered BP, and even 'The King of Jaegerbombs' was considered, after the events of Saturday night, with which I shall begin with.

It was Colin's 21st, so naturally a night out on Bedford town was to be had. I finished work at 10pm, making swift arrangements to get into town with the free help of Father Mitten as taxi, and was in town half an hour later. I was greeted by a wasted Colin, surrounded by workmates, who had already had past his quota of drink, and had no intention of stopping, even after his stripper embarrassed him. After a few change of hearts, we decided on Chameleon to meet with other people, but was greeted by a massive queue. Bedford town was ridiculously busy. I had never seen this amount of people on a night out in this place before, and after about 20 minutes, we eventually got in. Another 20 minutes went by waiting to get served. It was 11:15pm by the time I had any drink inside me, which is a rather poor effort, so after a JD and coke and a few jaegarbombs, I decided to go on the offensive. I had been paid from GoOutdoors, so had some money in the bank, and seeing as I had to wait another 15 minutes or so to get served, I thought I may aswell get drinks for everyone. 14 Jeagerbombs were ordered, much to the amazement of the barman, and with the help of Mason and Beddoe, managed to get them upstairs to where everyone was sitting. Or, at least, where everyone else WAS sitting. They had vanished, which meant we had 14 jaegerbombs to share between 3 people, (as Billie "doesn't do" Jaegerbombs!) For those of you who have no clue of the alcohol world, a Jaegerbomb is pretty nifty way of getting drunk quickly, and after I had had past 10 of them in "that night with the camera" last week, I was well on my way to giving my liver another beating, as me and Beddoe had at least 5 each, and Mason, 3. I think we ended up giving a couple away! On the plus side, it was midnight, and I was finally mittoed. Mission accomplished.

We ended up in Saints, where we were reunited with an even drunker Colin and the ridiculous kids who had run out on us in Chameleon, and a good night was had by all, before alcohol took a strangle hold of my negative side for 45 minutes or so. I'm almost used to it, and after I had had some water and a walk with a ruined Watty, I was good to get a cab home, albeit with a spinning head.

It took me a while to get to sleep, but I was happy as I didn't have to go to work on Sunday afternoon, leaving me free to play cricket in this beautiful, beautiful weather we had! Unfortunately, our performance was less than beautiful, as I don't think we even made it to triple figures chasing a medoicre target of 170. I'm not sure everyone's heads were in it, (I know mine wasn't!), but I really wasn't too bothered. I took a good catch at slip regardless, and we had a laugh so I can't really ask for much more. I only made 6 runs, (for some reason, everyone expected me to be on "top form" after my ton a few weeks back, but that was the last time I had picked up a bat!), and I was home by 7.30, in time for the new series of Top Gear!

However. Oh dear... Seeing as I had swapped shifts to free myself up for cricket, I had to work tonight. After vowing I would never, ever, in a million years, work another night shift in my life, here I was going through the motions of what was a very, very long night. Even more so when the shop closes at midnight for 5 hours, and you have to serve through the very awkward and annoying night box. After only a few hours sleep the night before also, plus a game of cricket, I was well and truly back to where I was last year. Fighting to stay awake, in the chilly BP store, doing all the mundane tasks a night-shift person has to go through. When 6am came around, I was pleased to be cycling home, (the Mittenmobile is once again, out of action), and although I really should be going to sleep, it is already around 20 degrees, and the time is approaching 7am. I think it's going to be a scorcher today...

Of course, I won't have any trouble sleeping in it. I could sleep through a tsunami. This week, as Sister Mitten continues her globe-trotting, and the Parents Mitten go on holiday to The District of Lakes, I'm home alone for 4 days. Whether or not the food I prepare, (Even if they are ready meals), will be edible, remains to be seen, and in the eyes of Mother Mitten, it will be a success if the house isn't burnt to the ground by the time she and Father Mitten return!

Anyway. Seeing as I've been waiting around 12 hours to go to sleep, I guess the most sensible thing to do is do just that.

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