Tuesday 21 June 2011


It seems the ability to go to bed before the mad hour of 2am has completely deserted me. Even after a busy 8-hour shift on Sunday afternoon, in which I returned home from in a state of disrepair, as if I'd ran a marathon, I didn't get to sleep until 3am, and I fear that my night tonight is heading in the same direction. I failed at attempting to get to sleep earlier, at the stupidly early hour of 12.30am, in the same way I failed at attempting my IT exam due to the misdemeanours of alcohol, and now I find myself awake with the owls and insomniacs. As usual.

Today was your typical example of a middle-aged man's average day. Not that I am one. Wake up, (albeit at a silly hour of the afternoon), go to work, stand behind a till wistfully looking at a relatively empty forecourt and store, purchase a meal for one, cook said meal, eat said meal, and sit on the internet playing random games and watching stand-up comedy, including Al Murray's versions of Hell. You couldn't get more average than that. I had a bit of a down stage earlier aswell. A couple of hours before leaving to work, I was sat upstairs, not doing a lot, just thinking. Shouldn't do a lot of that. It hurts my brain.

Strangely enough, my mood got better as I got to work, as me and Cool Will rated girls out of 10 as they walked in the door. I know. "How immature!", you may be thinking, and you'd probably be right, but you need to find ways of passing the time somehow, and seeing as it was as quiet as a mime artist all evening, we definitely needed to shift the clock along. Even a light-hearted chat about my upcoming university venture to Brighton, inevitably including the fact that Brighton is the "gay capital of the UK", a joke of which I have started to get bored of!

Very surprisingly, despite it only being a few months away, I haven't really thought about university that much. I think it's probably because I've had so long to think about, it's almost exhausted as a subject, and now, around the time I do need to start thinking about preparing, I've just lost all the enthusiasm. Well, that's a lie. I am still as excited as I was, but all of a sudden, the reality that my life will change in a few months is starting to take effect... I'm even starting to feel a little nervous... Really?

Anyway. Day off tomorrow, that I will no doubt sleep through before attending the weekly Tuesday night pub quiz, in which we will win nothing. How fun.

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