Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Basketball Freak

'Freak' is an incredibly harsh word to use, to be fair. It isn't as if this young man turned into The Hulk or was half rabbit, half dolphin, but it was possibly one of the most awkward moments of the year so far. Unless you count Saggers doing his best impression of Jeremy Kyle.. Or Saggers asking incredibly... personal questions in the cab on Saturday night... Oh Saggers....

Anyway, back to today. After the epicness of the weekend, I suppose we had to keep the fun times going for as long as possible, so a swiftly arranged parkage was decided upon quite late in the day, (which helped my sleeping pattern), and we met at the famous Park of the Sand and sat around doing not a lot! Activities included concrete volleyball, "60" and Bully Billie which I refused to get involved in as I'm a good little Mitten... Ahem... Many drives were taken all over the marvellous town we live in, including a trip to McDonalds where I spent money I don't really have on not one, but 2 McDonalds, and then we decided to go to Bedford Park, where we had a rather poor quality game of Basketball, that turned incredibly "hawkward" after a while...

There was this guy. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans but wearing black gloves, which was a tad odd. Upon entering the park, where me and Beddoe almost had our necks broken by a vigorous pushing session by Mason and Magic Man on this weird swing thing, we played a game of 3v2 B-Ball, which is where the fun started... I heard a voice saying something, (although I couldn't really hear what... I was IN THE ZONE!), but after a while the voice got louder and he started approaching us..

You know you secretly have that little debate with yourself? Half of you wishes he would just walk in the opposite direction, but the other half wonders what mental condition he's got, and whether it's safe enough to approach him without being seized. Either that, or you can work out in a couple of minutes whether or not he's going to be a child-snatcher when he's older.. Or, seeing as we're all 20, (or near enough), whether he already is one! He was hanging around a park on his own after all.. Anyway, the game sort of stopped as we all awkwardly walked around in circles like we were all in a game of 'The Sims', then I thought, "fuck this", threw the ball at this randomer and ran. Taking the easy option out! This sort of left Beddoe and Kettle to negotiate the awkwardness with the strange man before slowly making their way out of the park and towards us, with rather disgruntled faces on! Never trust a man wearing gloves in Summer...

After a bit of football, where Kettle failed at goalkeeping and the human post moved a lot, we headed home, and ever since then, barring a trip to Tesco's, (again, with money I don't have.... I really should stop this...), I have been sitting here listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes and making funny pictures of ambulances with my face on the side...

I think I need September, fast.

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