Friday 24 June 2011

My BBC1 Debut

I am milking this for all it's worth. I don't think I even mentioned it when it happened, but during September/October of last year, during one of the long nights at BP, (albeit with Ann the Capable One), we had a visit from a Police Officer called Tanveer Hussain and a cameraman. He had come in for a coffee, and had noticed a drunk gentleman getting on his motorbike... If you watched BBC1 tonight, at around 8.30pm, (or alternatively, you can catch it on iPlayer!), you'd already know the story!

I would like to make it plain, that I did not instigate this campaign to stardom, as I was simply playing pool in the Exec Club, before my phone started to go beserk. At around 9pm I think it was, my phone vibrated constantly for about 5 minutes, revealing around 20 texts saying things along the lines of, "I think I just saw you on Traffic Cops!" My initial reaction was one of confusion and fear, as I couldn't remember being a criminal in recent years, but given I had had many drunken experiences where I couldn't remember anything, maybe I was?! In a few seconds though, I remembered the episode, deep into the early hours of another Wednesday night at the "berp", and chuckled to myself that I had been a, "celebrity", (if you can possibly call it that), for a matter of the few seconds that I appeared on one of the biggest television channels in the world. As I put it like that, it makes it sound incredible! And it was... Come on! It was!

Myself and Ann looked a bit bored, and rightly so, however, watching this episode back brings a few smiles to your face. Even the commentator on the programme stated that, "the cigarettes he bought were expensive", which just goes to show that the prices we have are ridiculous...

Back to the real world, and today has been largely deleted due to my ridiculous sleeping habits. I got to sleep last night at around 5am, when the Sun had completely risen, meaning it was effectively daytime, and I awoke at about 3.30 this afternoon. Laziness in it's entirety. I then found out that I had been paid double what I had been expecting after my brief stay at GoOutdoors last month, (at least I THINK it's the pay from them!), and went on to steal a winning scratchcard from Cool Will at the "berp" as I bought some much needed fuel. I then spent the night watching Watty and co. sink into their drinking trousers as we threw away a lot of money on the quiz machine, (winning some back), and failing at darts and pool, surrounded by the whole BBC1 episode!

I am quite pleased that I got noticed! Can you tell?

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