Sunday 2 January 2011

12 + 3 = Freedom

An extra day off than I had previously anticipated means I also have tomorrow off! Meaning I have a grand total of 12 days off, before my final 3 shifts, that will undoubtedly leave me with a whole host of problems on my final weekend before ... freedom!

I have thought, again, about whether I am making the right decision and I have guaranteed myself that I have. I can't do nights anymore with that man, I just can't. I am surprised I have lasted this long, given my track record of giving up too easily!

Despite being at work with the atrocity all weekend, I can't help but feel in a good mood. I shouldn't be. I should be annoyed that I never got to party on New Year's, but my friends more than made up for that, as I bloggled. I am still forever greatful for their kind thoughts. Tonight went fairly quickly before the Small Maritian offered to work my shift tomorrow because he, "needs the money". More than me anyway, and any offer to get out of a shift at Hell is more than taken by me these days. So, I have tonight off aswell! A night in which I plan, if all goes well, to enjoy a curry with my fantastic friends. The beginning of freedom!

Not a lot else to say. For once, I expect this good mood to last me for a while before souring as they usually do, so I'm determined to make the most of it. But for now, sleepy Mitten.

Bye x

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