Wednesday 26 January 2011

Understanding The Task At Hand

Many times a day, maybe 8 or 9, never reaching double figures however, I traipse through long lists of vacancies on every possible job site going for any glimmer of any company that are mad enough to offer a job to someone with little of what the business call, "experience". My days are spent sitting here, listening to Dire Straits and similar musical types, trying to find something that comes close to, "not boring but please give me the weekends off".

Some would tell me not to be so picky. Life, especially at the moment, after Mr.King's latest depressing outlook, isn't going to be full of apples and the likelihood that you, (yes, you, you 19 year old lazy arse), are going to pick a healthy apple off the job tree is as likely as Ms.Gabor re-growing her leg.

Ok, maybe not. Of course it is POSSIBLE, unlike poor old Zsa-Zsa, but the likelihood of it happening is small. Of course, my new adventure begins in 7 months, (yes, the time is going slowly), but in the short-term it only hampers my hopes of getting a stable job. I need to be more greedy. When the time comes, which it will, and I get an interview for some fleeting, career-expanding, junior position in a middle-brand company of some sort, I will find it morally difficult to come up with all the, "interview bullshit", that crops up at every interview in existence. The fact you are looking to, "build a career within this brightly visioned company", and, "looking to progress quickly and efficiently", I just couldn't do it without cracking up. Knowing I would be handing my notice in after 6 months. It does seem morally incorrect. This is where greed needs to be apparent.

Which is why I am being very hopeful indeed of finding a contract position. A 6-month contract, where I know, and the company knows, that I will leave after 6 months. In today's climate though, it really is impossible. I am being incredibly optimistic in finding a job like this. Too hopeful and this will be my downfall, unless I can become more greedy and ignore the feeling of ripping the company off. You're all thinking, "who cares?!", but I would not be able to put myself forward in the sufficient job-gaining light, without showing some sort of knowledge of what I am doing.

And no, for the Nine-Hundred and Ninety-Seventh time, I do not know what my brain is thinking either.

And that is the dilemma. Others, with less knowledge of what it really is like trying to find a job in times like this. Others who reckon I could easily get 3 jobs and play 'Ip Dip Dog S***' with them. They don't understand. And of course, I threw away a perfectly reasonable job, but it ruined me. And let's face it, I can't be ruined much more without physically disappearing.

So, I will muster on through the muddy existence of the job hunt and hypothetically fight with invisible people on The Internet for the chance to even get recognised. For your records, I have applied for 23 jobs since I quit, and I haven't even had a reply from 1 of them. Brutal.

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