Saturday 1 January 2011

Bringing in the New Year In ... Style?

Tonight was a strange one. At roughly 7pm, I felt exactly how I thought I would feel. Incredibly dispirited at having to go to work while the world partied in the new year. Another night of merciless and this time, busy, jobs to be completed, safe in the knowledge that every single one of my friends were drinking, partying and generally having fun. My life at that stage, was awful.

But it didn't really turn out that way. After my short passage of major depression, I decided to buck my ideas up. It's going to happen, so let's try and make the most of it, think of the double pay, and get on with it. I went to Beddoe's at 7:45 for an hour and a bit to socialise as much as I could, with as little drink as possible, before taxiing them to their destination. I dropped them off, deeply sighing to myself and drove to work. Here we go. Another night of The Wall, endless jobs and even more drunken custom than usual.

I suppose thinking positively helped massively. It's not usually the attitude I would take, but maybe I should take it more often. The night started a bit slow. It was relatively busy, full of people preparing for the change of the year and we got on with everything, amongst strangely cheerful chatter. The Wall was OK tonight. I was thinking, "it's a postive". I recieved a couple of visits from Kettle and Roger, then Roger on his own, before the turn of the year. The Wall wished me a Happy New Year, and I returned the wish. To be fair, I hope he has a great year, rotting away in that place, while I escape amidst my lies.

10 minutes after midnight though, it all broke loose. I was just going about my business, wondering what was going on at this house party that all of my friends were at, where I was answered almost immediately. Nothing was going on at the House Party, because no one was at the house... Everyone, (and I mean pretty much, EVERYONE), had ascended on BP. Wow.

I was seriously, properly speechless. Everyone, probably 15 of my great friends had decided that if I couldn't go to the party, they would bring the party to me! As I walked out of the warehouse door, I was mobbed by a load of hugging friends. I was amazed. Amazed that they had taken the time out of their party, to come to me and see how I was doing. I was genuinely touched, and I even started to cry a little, although obviously in the view of no one else! It's amazing to know that there are friends out there who care that much.

I think it's definitely the best moment of my year. (Well, it was effectively 2011 by that point, but you know what I mean!)

They even came back at 1.30am, when I went on my break and we stood around in the corner for a while just chatting. All of them came back, even with a few more people, just to see me! I couldn't care less about the sniding comments made by The Wall after they had gone, (he probably has never had so many friends in his life), because it was just fantastic that I was thought of when they could of just stayed indoors and partied on. Amazing.

As the night wore on, with a smile plastered across my face for the majority, there were many drunken stories of others to pass on. We had a man who stayed for 20 minutes, discussing the frailties of Shredded Wheat before I told him to literally, "go away". We had a man, who tried to pay for £10.34 worth of cigarettes in pennies, thank God, to The Wall. We had a man, (whilst my friends were in attendance), who offered to pay £1 for every person who pissed themselves. We had an arrest on the forecourt for something we never found out, and by the time I had ran out at 6.10am, refusing to do the weekend's papers because, "I had to go", someone had let off a fire extinguisher, creating a large cloud for me to escape from!

But I didn't go home. No, I did not. If my friends made the effort to come and see me, I would return the offering! I had been invited, even if everyone was a bit worse for wear by this stage, to the very latter stages of this party. As I walked in through the front door, I saw many people asleep and a few still awake, talking. I walked in and enjoyed a good chat with very tired people. The consuing trip to McDonalds was a fail, as it was predictably closed, and we had a bit more of a chat, (Apologies to Kettle here for outrageous innuendoes!), before people lay anywhere they could find to get some sleep. For some strange reason, I decided to lay on the floor with them... but then realised there was literally no point! So said goodbye to the remaining awake person, and crept out in near silence... Ok, I was pretty loud. But people were too knackered to wake up.

So tonight was made better by the joys of alcohol, (even if I had none), and the phenomonal friendships I hold. Seriously people, that made my year. Genuinely. After all the hardships of the year, to recieve a gesture like that... You have no idea how much it meant. And it's not usually I get sentimental. Thankyou.

Cheerio x

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