Saturday 7 August 2010

Gamble or Sleep?

I gambled and it turns out I'm a complete loser!

The situation? Simple. I work my usual hours, 10pm-6am, looking forward to going home, as usual, but one of the morning staff rings at half 4 claiming he was ill and wouldn't be in at his allocated time of 6am.. I knew he was making it all up because he had been in an hour earlier completely smashed off his face so my guess is that he was majorly hungover or still drunk.. However, it didn't change the fact that he wasn't coming in so that left "THE TEAM!" one short. Private joke.

It had been raining all night, so I presumed cricket would be called off today.. I felt strong and also a little guilty at the fact I owed the boss a favour for covering my night shift when I was "ill". I was ill, but not so much to make me physically not make it, I just had a lazy day. So, I don't know why, but I offered to stay and do my bit. My 3rd ever day shift at BP and I have to admit, strangely, it was sort of fun.. I was situated in the bakery, mainly making coffee and tea for incredibly tired customers and staff alike.

I stayed until 10.. I looked outside and it seemed to have brightened up.. Oh damn, we're actually going to play.. Still, I had been looking forward to it and I would rather play than not, but the lack of sleep once again will be the death of me come Sunday night, seeing as we have another game tomorrow.. I also got a bit of a telling off this morning for, "throwing away £15", which I thought was a little harsh considering I'm doing you a favour! He had a point though, mistakes happen and nothing more will be said of it..

So, I got 2 hours sleep and I'm up and at them again, waiting to go to cricket in half an hour and hopefully score some runs and possibly get some wickets as we're short on bowlers today. The skip, the NEW skip, may call on "Paul Collingwood" to bowl a few line and lengths! I hope so.. 5-fer coming up..

I'll leave you with an interesting story. At the beginning of the cricket season, an unknown gentleman called Zulqernain Haider, a Pakistani, left a message with Bedford Cricket Club, a small and developing team, asking if there were any spots for an overseas player at the club.. I don't think he realised how good we were.. This morning? He's playing for Pakistan at Edgbaston against The Three Lions. Incidentally, he dropped a catch and got a first-baller, so maybe he should have come to Bedford? Ha.

Cya x

1510: Errr, correction. We had a monsoon so my gamble paid off after all! I faced a total of 3 balls before God pissed on us all, so I guess I can sleep after all! Good times! However, cricket tomorrow is almost certain to be called off now, and I have work tonight in the knowledge that that is the case.. Bad times!

Sleepy time.

Bye x

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