Monday 16 August 2010


Everything this weekend has gone the opposite to what I thought it would.

I thought work was going to be atrocious. In fact, it wasn't. The guy I was teaching is very competent, he listened well and we got on like a house on fire. We managed to get everything done in good time and it's great to work with some charisma and personality for once instead of the never ending drone of The Wall. I even got paid for an extra hour after the manager kept us behind for another unknown reason. Usually, he doesn't pay us, and I get on with it, keeping quiet while seething inside but overtime is overtime. Now I only have 2 fairly easy shifts to complete before another week off and all is well in the world of work. As well as it can get anyway.

However, on the other hand is the sport of cricket. I was looking forward to this weekend. 2 huge games at the top of the league which would make or break our season. On Saturday, our opponents got a good total of 0-0 and we chased it down inside 0 overs. In other words, it pissed it down all day and we had no game. I went to work in a bad mood. Yesterday however, we did have a game. 1st vs 2nd. Huge.

We got there and we lost the toss. Batting first on a pitch that didn't have a true bounce in it at all. It was moving about like Rik Waller on a bouncy castle and it was impossible. It didn't help we only had 10 players and then one of them didn't turn up because of an emergency at work, meaning we had 9. Not that it would of made a whole host of difference.. We got bowled out for 42 and lost by 8 wickets and was home by 3.30. Meant I could get a bit of kip I suppose. On a very ... very small plus side, I did edge behind and walked, (in other words, gave myself out), which was incredibly sporting on my part and I'm happy to see myself act in the spirit of the game. It's what it should be like.

Football? I was looking forward to it. First pre-season game and all but I was shattered after a very busy shift and couldn't do anything but get a couple of hours sleep. I still intended to play but come 9.30am, I just couldn't. I felt so rough and it just wasn't happening. Father Mitten was furious and I'm not embarrassed to admit a little tear ran from my right eye.. Father Mitten angry is probably worse than Satan in the morning. We drew 1-1 in my absence though and we have a game on Tuesday evening which is much more my time of day so I'll be good to go for that one.. Despite being called "an egg" by a team-mate earlier..

So, back to today and the notoriously slow Sunday night shift. I turned up at 10pm, doing more training for the new man but feeling slightly more positive about it, and then suddenly I was climbing in my car at 6.10am ... Going home. I can go home and sleep!

Just I got home, and my Dad opened the door, as he is accustomed to doing as he usually goes off to work at the time I get in. He usually whispers so he doesn't wake Mother Mitten. But this morning, he was practically shouting. He can't still be angry about earlier? Either that, or Mother Mitten isn't here... She wasn't...

I don't want to disclose in a blog what has happened. It's nothing too serious. But it's not nice news to come home to when you're in a good mood, after an indifferent weekend. Ask if you like.

Ciao x

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