Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Legend of Fast-Track

Tonight was rather interesting. I had a league meeting tonight with the new league I'm refereeing in and got offered a rather interesting proposition.. I was expecting an offer of some sort as I had been pre-warned that something was going to be said to me, "in private after the meeting", so I was a tad curious..

Today has been a day of meetings. I had my first yearly appraisal at work today, (even though I've only been there for 5 months..), and everything went OK. I got an E grade, and no, it's not like school grading. More like Harry Potter grading really, where 'E' stands for 'Expected'. Everything went swimmingly, except for my request to be transferred to day shifts which was aptly turned down by the manager who claimed he didn't have the hours to give me.. Never mind.. I shall muddle on, working at ungodly hours and barracading through The Wall every night. Maybe I should just go for it...?

As for when I got home, my parents seemed to spend an age reading through the report I got with the appraisal, and it took me back to the days of the school report. My Dad commented on my Attitude section, which I got an E+ in, (Exceptional). He said, "Your attitude at work is clearly better than at home then!", in which I replied, "Yeah, it's just you're fault really." I did mean it to be a joke, but I can't help but feel a modicum of truth in that statement.. Dad knew it aswell and my need to move out and find independance is really hitting home now. Relationships at home have hit an all-time low especially at this hard time, but financially, getting a place of my own .... it's just not happening..

Still, I had the refereeing meeting to look forward to in the evening, even if it meant travelling to Luton via Canberra to get there, (thanks SatNav and road closures), but it was well worth the travelling to hear what I had to hear tonight. Like I said, I knew something was going to be said to me, and I was right.

I was offered an easy route to promotion. Easy games with easy assessors to boost me further and get me to Level 5 instead of the Level 6 I'm going for. In other words, cheating. Now I understand how some people have got so far, but I'm disappointed to see an element of corruption in the world of officialdom. Makes me think everything is corrupt and people will do anything for success and glory..

I can't help but think though, I'm looking forward to refereeing all of a sudden. It all starts on Thursday. Good!

Cya x

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