Wednesday 4 August 2010


Life is just that at the moment. Monotonous. Work, sleep, work, sleep, cricket, work, sleep etc etc. Its starting to get boring. Even the cricket is. Every Saturday and especially Sunday, surrounded by over competitive people wanting to not waste their day by not losing, not bothered about just enjoying it and having a laugh. I'm not happy with over-competitive souls and would rather just laugh the day away whilst also getting some runs.

Last weekend was fairly disastrous in every sense. Friday night at work was useless followed by a Saturday of nothingness. Saturday night was surprisingly good and I left in good spirits looking forward to the cricket later. That turned out to be awful though as we played useless and I was especially tired after taking the 'no sleep' option once again. I must never do it again.. We played rubbish and lost by a mile and also witnessed somebody break their leg which is never nice. Sunday night was very, very long..

Monday didn't happen for me as I literally spent the whole day asleep. 21 hours, from 6.30am on Monday morning to 3.30am Tuesday morning. Zzzzz.. Yesterday was then rather long and tiring and then I spent a long time asleep last night before just waking up an hour ago. I am condemned to spells of being awake for a long time and then asleep for a long time. The days are passing by at the speed of light and the darkness and dreariness of winter looms ever closer.. Nothing of real note has happened recently, but I would like to find out what's happening to other people.. I don't speak to many people anymore as I am usually cut off from normal society.

The monotony of nights..

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