Friday 3 September 2010

The Art Of The Prankster

I feel a little bit sheepish this morning. I did ask for people to text me during my shift, mainly to avoid boredom, but was expecting people to just text me because they were bored. The text I got at around 11pm though, was one I wasn't expecting.

The manager was lurking, going through the week's pointless "huddle" with us. A document of company policy that is updated every week. I knew I had a text and I wanted to read it but I thought, "it can wait till later" as I thought it wasn't massively important. I didn't want to get into trouble for reading a text that said, "Hi, you ok?"

When the manager finally left and the din of customer chatter had silenced, I reached for my phone and looked at who had sent the text. "Ahh..", I thought to myself, "An unknown person!" I opened the text, (in the canteen area, as to avoid the cameras!), and read it. This is what it said:

"Hi Tom, this is Mick from Bedfordshire Cricket. After seeing your scores this season we would like to pick you for are upcoming tour of Devon." (Notice the spelling mistake..)

Now, my initial reaction was one of immense surprise. Me? Surely not?! I didn't think I had been picked for the 1st Eleven but instead maybe the development or the 3rd tier of Bedfordshire Cricket? I don't know how the county system works. Even I am not so stupid to believe I've been picked to play Minor County cricket.. But, none the less, I believed I had been picked for something. I texted him back, asking for more details and texted others to tell them this frankly astonishing news. I texted Mick back, asking why I had been picked:

"Our young batsman, Rob, has pulled out due to injury so we are looking to replace him with a young batsman such as yourself who has been in good form this season".

Ok, I was still thinking this may be possible, I've got some decent knocks this season, but why me? There are loads of better young batsman in Bedfordshire, who play at a much higher standard, so why has this guy appeared out of nowhere to pick me? I questioned him again, asking why he's picked me and the fact I didn't quite believe him... I recieved this reply:

"You should believe it, this is all real! I can understand it's a great achievement. For more details, I will put you in touch with our captain, Oli Clayson, and you can meet up to go through details of the tour."

It was at this point where it clicked that this was clearly a prank. Oli Clayson is the captain of Bedfordshire 1sts, (I found out from a reliable source!), so I texted "Mick" back saying I didn't believe him. I got one more reply saying, "This isn't a joke, I am the manager of Bedfordshire Cricket" and heard no more from him for the rest of the night.

There are a few candidates who could possibly send such texts. I texted all of them, and no one claimed responsibility, so I still do not know the identity of the prankster! To be fair, I did ask for it and these series of texts made the night go much faster. So, maybe it was all in good spirit! Throughout the night though, (which was a ridiculously busy night!), I couldn't help thinking if it was real. What if this Mick person had broken a fantastic bit of news to a young batsman and all he got in reply was a load of words saying he was a liar. I know I have no chance to play Minor County cricket but I couldn't help daydreaming about what it must be like. Coming into bat at Number 6 and then being bounced out by an 80mph opening bowler. I can only dream..

I'm not usually the person to fall into believing practical jokes. I'm usually the person playing them believe it or not, but maybe tonight I was dreaming of a better life while starting yet another long and arduous shift and this completely caught me unawares. Congratulations to this unknown person for conning me into believing I was the next best thing. They did well!

I'm not complaining, it kept me entertained. But I would like to know who he is. So I can buy him a pint. Just to say thanks!

Ciao x

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