Friday 10 September 2010

The Long Week Ahead

The laptop is well and truly on its last legs. For the past week or so, it has taken about half an hour to shake into life, another half an hour to prepare itself to open Internet Explorer and then seemingly faints and switches itself off.. It is in need for a trip to Laptop Hospital, so I have resorted, once again, to the local library to keep this blog from going into disrepair. I wonder who actually reads this anymore..?

The last couple of weeks have been fairly non-existent and have flown by at a rate of knots not experienced by the Titanic. The week ahead though ... the looong week ahead, will not go at that speed though... I am not looking forward to it at all. You see, the past couple of weeks I have been dying slowly from some unknown disease, (uncovered this morning by Dr.Inskip as a "severe throat infection") so I haven't really had the energy to do anything apart from sleep and work. Sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep ... makes me sad.. The past 4 days off I have tried to do as much as I can without fainting and, ok, I've done fairly well. I've had a couple of nets in preperation for the season ending swansong on Sunday, (weather permitting as always...), and I went to the cinema on Wednesday evening to watch what was the strangest movie I've probably ever seen...

... The Last Exorcism. A movie about an "exorcist" who knows he is a scam artist. His views on exorcisms were changed and he vowed to do one last exorcism before giving it up. However, this "last exorcism" was a genuine case of a poor young girl being demonised. I can't be bothered to go through the plot, just google it, but I have still yet to make my mind up on whether it was a good film or not.. It made me jump a couple of times, which is fairly hard to do..

So, the week ahead. What does it have in store? Well, I'm working the best part of 60 hours, (yep, you read that right, 60 HOURS) due to severe staff shortages. In other words, everyone is pissing off to university, so I'm working many nights and many mornings with a couple of 16 hour shifts to make it all worse... Plus the prospect of a funeral which I am absolutely dreading... I refuse to cry..

It all starts tonight with the customary weekend nights before the slog of next week. Monday 20th September is the date I look forward to.

I went out "on the town" last night aswell, which was a big mistake. I wanted to make the most of my last day of freedom but this illness really played more havoc than I thought. I couldn't drink a lot because I felt noticeably more ill every time I had a sip of anything, and with no drink inside you, it's tough to enjoy yourself. Especially with the thoughts praying.. I called it a night especially early and went home to bed..

My bloggles will become frayed in the next few weeks as my laptop will doubtless be sent to A&E for the repair it so desperately needs. Like it matters anyway.

Cya x

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