Thursday 30 September 2010

No More

My decision has been made. For final. I am off to university next year to do a foundation course in Sports Coaching followed by the full degree and for once, I feel fairly certain that this is going to happen. I've decided I need to do something before I get left in the grit of everyone else's tyre squeal as they race off to their futures.

There were many factors in deciding this. Apart from the exams and possibly financial situation, I have heard nothing but good stories about university. The fun, the frolicking, the pure stupidness of it all and deep down I feel I am missing out. Another reason is the fact I am getting fed up of the monotony of BP and it will only ever be the same if I move on to another job and I will get more and more bored and more and more lonely. And finally, and possibly most importantly, is the place from where I'm currently typing this post. Home. I have said I wanted to move out, but why does that mean I have to rent a flat? I can move out by moving to university.

I, of course, had questions to ask myself. Do I really want to go through education again? This was the toughest. I HATED school. I HATED A-Levels, I cannot describe how much I despised it. However, university has its air of freedom about it, not being badgered by people to complete an assignment and it will be in a subject I do like. A huge mistake I made at school was picking subjects I wasn't 100% sure about, which ultimately backfired. Secondly, of course, is the debt. I will be at university for 4 maybe 5 years depending on which course I go for and that will rack up an enormous amount of debt. Fees are set to rise, which ultimately isn't fair, but it's all about the times. I'm now used to having a large amount of money at my disposal, running a car and having money in the bank, but university will be so, so different. Limited money at the best of times, loans that I will have to pay back at some stage, it's going to be tough financially. Despite this, all of my friends have seemed to manage OK.

And that's the bottom line. All of my friends, bar a couple, have gone to university and to be honest with you, I feel a little bit lonely here on my own. Only Christmas and Summer I will get to spend time with good ol' mates and maybe it's time for me to get out there and find new friends of my own. Maybe it is time to take a risk. Maybe it is time to move on.

Because as a wise man once said, "You don't get anywhere in life without taking risks". And I believe, now, that he is right. I didn't before. I was content, sort of, with playing it safe, but it's not going to hold out forever. And I need to act before it's too late.

So, I'm not backing out of this one. This one isn't an overnight foray of hope that is blissfully blown away by the gales of depression the next day. This idea is here to stay and to my day job, (or night..), I say, no more.

Ciao x

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