Thursday 23 September 2010

The End (For Now)

I think it's time to pull the curtain on this blog. I feel, as winter comes, it will become nothing but a depressing read for a few people and maybe it will encourage me to find better ways to vault my anger/frustration/depression and maybe actually talk to a few people, face to face. If I end up bottling it all up again, like before, then I will consider bringing it back. Letting the occasional person know of my life. And how it's going. (Ask for odds!)

You see, there are a lot of things that I would like to say on here. There have been ever since I started but I don't have the courage to tell. Especially the people they concern. I will have to live with my inability to open up to people and I reckon there is no way that this can be helped. I worry about peoples reactions and whether or not I may be ridiculed by it all. I worry about the consequences of my actions. Certain events have shaped my thoughts in recent years and I am still determined to not re-live those happenings. That, is how it is.

There is literally nothing else to say.. Well... maybe one thing, something I have been thinking about for weeks. But, as I said, I don't have the courage to even write it down. This particular though lives in my slowly decaying mind and that is where it will stay.

No cliffhanger intended.

Bye for Now! x

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